Search results for ‘al assad’

1,690 items found

  • 16 May 2018

    The UN Security Council has held an emergency meeting following the deadly violence in Gaza which coincided with America opening its new embassy in Israel in Jerusalem. US Ambassador Nikki Haley said it would be a mistake to blame the deaths on the embassy moving from Tel Aviv to the city which Palestinians view as…

  • 17 Apr 2018

    Labour MP Chris Williamson discusses the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria which prompted British military action against the Assad government.

  • 13 Apr 2018

    As Theresa May weighs up whether to join any possible western military action against Syria, the British public don’t seem to be rallying behind the idea. Latest polls show just 22% of people would support a missile strike. But what about those who’ve experienced life under the Assad government and others with past experience of…

  • 12 Apr 2018

    Theresa May’s cabinet spent more than two hours this afternoon in a special meeting to discuss military strikes against President Assad’s forces. Ministers are expected to back her plan for the UK to join action threatened by the United States and its allies. But opposition parties have demanded that Parliament be recalled so MPs have…

  • 11 Apr 2018

    Get ready, Russia, the missiles are coming, President Trump has warned, as he pledged to launch an attack over the suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria, describing President Assad as a “gas-killing animal who kills his people and enjoys it”. Moscow has already upped the ante, declaring it will send troops to the Syrian town…

  • 8 Apr 2018

    Syrian activists say at least 40 people have been killed in a poison gas attack on Douma – the last rebel-held town in Eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus… rescue teams described finding families suffocated in their homes. Relief workers in the town said hundreds more people had been brought into clinics, with symptoms…

  • 4 Apr 2018

    The head of Porton Down, the government’s military research facility, appears to have contradicted claims by the foreign secretary over the poisoning of a former spy, Sergei Skripal. Boris Johnson seemingly confirmed that scientists had “no doubt” that the nerve agent used was made in Russia. But Porton Down now says it has “not identified the precise source”.

  • 28 Mar 2018

    When I present Channel 4 News, in-depth analysis and great journalism come together to explain the events of the day. But this new podcast wants to help you go much deeper and discuss answers, not just problems.

  • 22 Mar 2018

    PM and Putin compete in EU charm offensive

    As the European Council meets in Brussels, yet again the Brexit issue is shoved to the moment chairs scrape and attention drifts at the dog end of the evening. Mrs May will have her say – the transition deal is in both our interests, the guidelines for negotiations on the future relationship are welcomed –…

  • 21 Mar 2018

    Boris Johnson has waded into the diplomatic row with Russia over the poisoning of a former spy on British soil, agreeing that the way Vladimir Putin is using the World Cup in Russia as a “PR exercise” is comparable to how Hitler used the 1936 Olympics. For their part, the Russian foreign ministry invited all…

  • 14 Mar 2018

    Corbyn refuses to toe May’s line on Russia

    Mr Corbyn’s spokesman, briefing reporters after the Commons exchanges, suggested that the Labour leader was not convinced that the intelligence pointed without question to the Russian state as perpetrator of the act.

  • 1 Mar 2018

    Theresa May gets eve of speech warnings from EU

    As Theresa May got Cabinet sign off for the “serious” and “ambitious” Brexit policy she’ll set out in her speech tomorrow, EU leaders have warned that her own red lines mean Britain is closing the door on itself.

  • 25 Feb 2018

    While President Assad faces international condemnation there are plenty on his side who support him too. But of course it’s a very different picture for people trapped in rebel-held areas. This report contains distressing images from the start.

  • 24 Feb 2018

    “Today we’ll see if Russia has a conscience” declared the US Ambassador to the UN this evening. All the while Syria has been pounding eastern Ghouta with warplanes and artillery guns. Activists and rescuers say around forty-one people have been killed today, taking the total this week to over 500. Warning: this report contains distressing…

  • 24 Feb 2018

    Footage from Damascus shows the impact of rebel shelling in sites I visited within an hour of them being hit. The rebels – who include extremists linked to Al Qaeda – have been firing on a much smaller scale but it is bringing fear and shoring up support for President Assad.