Search results for ‘taliban’

834 items found

  • 16 Sep 2010

    Britain’s presence in Afghanistan has seen military deaths soar beyond 300. But what lies next for UK forces? A former commander and soldier write for Channel 4 News about future strategy.

  • 15 Sep 2010

    As MPs warn the strategic defence review may harm Britain’s ability to defend itself, Channel 4 News Science Correspondent Julian Rush writes there is now a genuine debate about its nuclear deterrent.

  • 15 Sep 2010

    Despite intimidation a record number of women are standing in this month’s Afghan elections. But Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum says women there still live in fear of the Taliban.

  • 14 Sep 2010

    One of the greatest mysteries of recent weeks has been the unexplained death of an MI6 employee found in a padlocked and zipped up bag in the bath of his flat.

  • 14 Sep 2010

    What led to the unexplained death an MI6 employee found in a padlocked and zipped up bag in the bath of his flat? Jonathan Rugman reveals that suicide is now a key focus.

  • 9 Sep 2010

    A British-Pakistani journalist who has been held captive by Islamist militants in Pakistan’s ethnic Pashtun tribal areas since March, has been freed according to the British High Commission.

  • 8 Sep 2010

    A radical pastor is set to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks despite condemnation. Sarah Smith says the US government is “terribly worried” about the backlash.

  • 6 Sep 2010

    A cameraman working for Channel 4 News captures Somalia’s brutal descent into anarchy, as International Editor Lindsey Hilsum explains.

  • 6 Sep 2010

    Open US criticism of UK achievements in Afghanistan sees the alliance at odds over its approach to fighting the Taliban, divisions which former commander Colonel Richard Kemp warns are “dangerous”.

  • 6 Sep 2010

    As a US Marine commander criticises British forces in the Afghanistan flash point of Musa Qala, Colonel Richard Kemp writes how such open criticism will damage relations between the two allies.

  • 3 Sep 2010

    How Channel 4 News reported the failed car bombing of New York’s Times Square and Faisal Shahzad’s alleged plan to “kill Americans”.

  • 3 Sep 2010

    A suicide bomber has struck the Pakistani city of Quetta, killing 43 people. It is the second major attack this week in the country, which continues to face problems from last month’s floods.

  • 2 Sep 2010

    Success looks tricky at the Middle East peace talks because of the unprecedented weakness of the negotiating position of Palestinian Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, writes Lindsey Hilsum.

  • 27 Aug 2010

    As senior military chiefs call for security review after the Taliban attempted to bring down David Cameron’s helicopter, a former commander tells Channel 4 News the key is to be “unpredictable”.

  • 10 Aug 2010

    As relief workers struggle to reach marooned flood victims, Jonathan Miller joins a US helicopter distributing aid in north western Pakistan as Kylie Morris reports on the floods surging south.