Search results for ‘Damascus’

517 items found

  • 20 Apr 2018

    President Assad’s government has been accused of launching a chemical weapons attack on the Syrian town of Douma. But Russia claims the attack was faked by Britain and anti-Assad rebels. FactCheck examines the evidence.

  • 14 Apr 2018

    105 missiles aimed at three targets: a military tight rope. Enough to send a message to Syria. Not enough to provoke the Russians. Theresa May declared chemical weapons must not become normalised. Downing Street later added the airstrikes met international laws on humanitarian grounds – although Jeremy Corbyn called them ‘legally questionable’. The attacks began…

  • 8 Apr 2018

    Syrian activists say at least 40 people have been killed in a poison gas attack on Douma – the last rebel-held town in Eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus… rescue teams described finding families suffocated in their homes. Relief workers in the town said hundreds more people had been brought into clinics, with symptoms…

  • 15 Mar 2018

    In Syria – a massive military onslaught last night has led to the exodus of thousands of civilians from a town in the besieged Eastern Ghouta region just outside the capital, Damascus. Its a grim marker of seven years since the start of the conflict.

  • 10 Mar 2018

    The Syrian government claims its military assault is intensifying in rebel-held eastern Ghouta, with regime forces surrounding two main towns in the embattled region, on the outskirts of the capital Damascus. Aid groups believe around 1000 people have been killed in the last three weeks of fighting.

  • 8 Mar 2018

    The Syrian army says it’s on the verge of cutting through the surrounded, rebel-held area of east Ghouta near the capital Damascus. According to human rights groups, more than 900 civilians have been killed there in the last 18 days and the Red Cross has held back an aid convoy because of the intense fighting.…

  • 1 Mar 2018

    “You are failing to help us help civilians in Syria” – the words of the UN today as it said a Russian plan for a five hour pause in fighting in eastern Ghouta needs to be expanded urgently if aid is to reach the residents inside the enclave or civilians to be evacuated. Hundreds of…

  • 26 Feb 2018

    Syrian member of parliament Nora Arissian discusses rebel attacks on Damascus.

  • 25 Feb 2018

    Within hours of the UN ceasefire resolution Syria began its next phase of the war – to retake parts of Eastern Ghouta with ground forces. The bombing and rebel mortar attacks were slightly down but still there were claims that 22 were reportedly killed in the rebel-territory today. Eastern Ghouta is a big region starting…

  • 23 Feb 2018

    Krishnan Guru-Murthy reports from the Syrian capital Damascus.

  • 22 Feb 2018

    For five long days Eastern Ghouta’s four hundred thousand people have been in hiding from the constant torrent of Russian and Syrian bombs. Hardly a soul has been seen moving on what’s left of the streets. A world away in New York, stalemated diplomats are still meeting in the UN Security Council toiling to win…

  • 20 Feb 2018

    More than 120 people have been killed, including 20 children, in a wave of fresh attacks in East Damascus. Syrian forces have increased their relentless bombardment on the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta enclave, which is home to more than 400,000 civilians – as pro-government forces mass nearby for a possible ground assault. Russia’s foreign minister Sergey…

  • 10 Feb 2018

    An Iranian drone flies into Israeli airspace from Syria. It is shot down by an Israeli aircraft. Then an Israeli aircraft is shot down by forces backing the Assad regime. The Israelis launch attacks on 12 mainly Iranian targets around Damascus. The Russians say this poses an unacceptable threat to their soldiers. And it all…

  • 7 Feb 2018

    More than 100 people have been killed in the past 24 hours, as Syrian and Russian forces increase their attacks on the rebel-held Ghouta region east of Damascus. Almost 400,000 people live in the area, which has been under intense bombardment since the end of October. A warning: there are some strong images in this…

  • 22 Jan 2018

    Fighting has entered its third day as Turkish forces continue their ground and air offensive against US-backed Kurdish fighters in north-west Syria. The UN Security council will meet later tonight to discuss the situation, as leaders from Europe and NATO voiced their concerns, urging Turkey to respond in a “proportionate and measured way”. Syrian activists…