Search results for ‘The Big Society’

720 items found

  • 10 Feb 2011

    More than 80 Liberal Democrat councillors attack the Government over local spending cuts – but an expert tells Channel 4 News the cuts are not unreasonable.

  • 17 Jan 2011

    Funding for Playing for Success, an initiative aimed at improving children’s literacy, numeracy and ICT grades through sport, will end this year. Channel 4 News investigates the potential impact.

  • 7 Jan 2011

    Ministers are warned that plans to scrap dozens of quangos will not save money or improve accountability, as MPs say the whole process so far has been “botched”.

  • 31 Dec 2010

    Prime Minister David Cameron uses his New Year’s message to warn next year will be “difficult” – but insists Britain has a “really bright future” ahead. Julian Rush looks at what is to come in 2011.

  • 27 Dec 2010

    As the Book Trust charity confirms the government will now help the book gifting programme continue in England, Samira Ahmed reflects on how to put a cost on the value of the scheme.

  • 18 Nov 2010

    Over the coming weeks, parents will be told how they are failing their children, starting with next Thursday’s SureStart evaluation. But how will voters respond to the criticism, asks Gaby Hinsliff.

  • 28 Oct 2010

    Do we need to be nudged in the direction of government policy – or will it only work if we’re shoved? Gaby Hinsliff explains the ways that Ministers are trying to change us.

  • 24 Oct 2010

    As charities face a £5bn cut in funding, the founder of The Big Issue tells Channel 4 News that charities must end their “terrible competition” for money, and work together.

  • 6 Oct 2010

    More kitsch less Kitchener?

    Gary Gibbon blogs on the aftermath of David Cameron’s speech to the Conservative Party Conference.

  • 6 Oct 2010

    It was the big speech about the big society. And as David Cameron had his Kitchener moment, he reeled off a legion of lists, a cacophony of claims and a smattering of statistics to make his point. Here’s a selection, scrutinised by the FactCheck team. The analysis “But just look at what we are achieving…

  • 6 Oct 2010

    David Cameron tells the Conservative conference: there is no alternative to big spending cuts and it takes two to cut the deficit.

  • 6 Oct 2010

    As David Cameron prepares to tell the Conservative conference that spending measures will not be easy, an expert tells Channel 4 News why the prime minister’s speech must relate to ordinary people.

  • 18 Aug 2010

    One hundred days of a coalition government, and this week we can write the words that perhaps only the man himself thought possible: Nick Clegg is in charge. Broadcaster Peter McHugh asks, what next?

  • 10 Aug 2010

    Diane Abbott tells Krishnan Guru-Murthy she was right on many policies during the New Labour years, adding “I’m the genuine move-on candidate”.

  • 3 May 2010

    Cameron is desperate to make 7 May seem like a victory

    David Cameron is desperate to make 7 May look and feel like a moment of undisputed victory, the launch of a newly mandated Tory government, even if the results aren’t crystal clear.