Search results for ‘darfur’

69 items found

  • 22 Jan 2011

    Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen has stepped down as leader of the ruling Fianna Fail party after a week of chaos in his party. Who are the contenders for the poisoned chalice?

  • 7 Jan 2011

    The charities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have all offered dire predictions about the outcome of the referendum in southern Sudan on secession from the north. But out International Editor Lindsey Hilsum believes there are grounds for optimism

  • 8 Nov 2010

    The actor Martin Sheen speaks to Stephanie West about how his faith helped him on his latest film ‘The Way’ and about his relationships with his sons: Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez.

  • 16 Sep 2010

    Today, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda is in London to deliver the Annual Oppenheimer lecture at the IISS. It’s a sign of international respect for a leader who has spearheaded 15 years of development and economic growth, and is seen by the British and US governments as a model for the rest of Africa. His…

  • 16 Sep 2010

    A leaked UN report accuses Rwanda of committing genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the 1990s. Rwandan President Paul Kagame tells Lindsey Hilsum the allegations are “absurd”.

  • 15 Jun 2009

    The UN’s head of aid operation has launched an inquiry after Channel 4 News revealed thousands of sacks of food were diverted from refugees and sold by Somali businessmen on the open market.

  • 24 Mar 2009

    Make preparations,” the second-in-command of al-Qaida said today, “for a long guerrilla war, because the modern-day Crusade has bared its fangs at you.” Ayman al-Zawahiri was addressing President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in The Hague three weeks ago. I interviewed the ICC’s chief…

  • 27 Feb 2009

    When foreign journalists work abroad, our secret weapon is the local journalist we work with. We call them fixers for good reason. Without them we’d be broke. We have them lined up, ready for action, right across the globe. “Secret” weapon being the operative word, because these guys work behind the scenes, making stuff happen.…

  • 20 Jan 2009

    There is no country that is not here today

    Make no mistake, we shall not see this again in our lifetime outside war. By 7.00am there were already 200,000 people on the Washington Mall. That’s about the number that represents a decent turnout for any other inauguration. I have traversed from Union Station to Judiciary Square, out along 4th to D and E, to…