Search results for ‘middle east’

1,959 items found

  • 19 Mar 2012

    Western leaders rush to embrace Burma following a series of reforms, yet human rights abuses against ethnic groups are getting worse. Channel 4 News asks: is Burma really on the brink of a new dawn?

  • 16 Mar 2012

    A US soldier could plead insanity if he is charged with the murders of 16 Afghan villagers last weekend, his lawyer tells Channel 4 News.

  • 15 Mar 2012

    The visit of the UN envoy Kofi Annan to Damascus this week underscored international concern about the horror being visited on civilians, but no-one, it seems, has an easy way of resolving the deeper issues.

  • 14 Mar 2012

    A manager at US bank Goldman Sachs has published his resignation letter in the New York Times, condemning the company for “ripping off its clients” and accusing colleagues of “moral bankruptcy”.

  • 13 Mar 2012

    Britain’s special relationship with America has been celebrated – then declared dead. As President Obama welcomes David Cameron with a 19 gun salute, is the transatlantic friendship back on course?

  • 6 Mar 2012

    As British athletes are advised to refuse handshakes in case they are infected with a bug which ruins their dreams of victory, Channel 4 News speaks to a microbiologist to assess the claim.

  • 5 Mar 2012

    You are us, and we are you

    Relations were prickly between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today, with their talks dominated by Iran.

  • 5 Mar 2012

    Syria's inconvenient truth

    Jon Snow blogs on Syria’s inconvenient truth and asks what can be done to stop the country’s ongoing bloodshed.

  • 24 Feb 2012

    Am a few days into my Baghdad trip and it has been riveting, frustrating, confounding of my expectations and alarming in almost equal measures.

  • 22 Feb 2012

    The first round of the WGC Match Play championship, which begins today in Arizona, reveals not so much the best of British as the British as best, writes Ben Monro-Davies.

  • 22 Feb 2012

    Words of praise flood in from across the world for veteran Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin after she was killed in a shell attack in the Syrian city of Homs.

  • 22 Feb 2012

    Award-winning Sunday Times journalist, Marie Colvin, is killed in the Syrian city of Homs. The paper’s owner Rupert Murdoch calls her “one of the most outstanding correspondents of her generation”.

  • 20 Feb 2012

    Channel 4 News takes a closer look at the hurdles between Israel and an attack on Iran.

  • 18 Feb 2012

    The mounting tension over Iran’s nuclear ambitions could escalate into “a new Cold War”, William Hague has warned.

  • 17 Feb 2012

    The international community learned a lot of lessons from Libya, and there are regrets. Lindsey Hilsum is in Moscow on the first anniversary of the revolution.