Search results for ‘al assad’

1,690 items found

  • 27 May 2017

    The White House refuses to comment on reports that Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner tried to set up secret back channels with Russia during the transition. US media claims the talks took place between Mr Kushner, the short lived National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russia’s Ambassador to the US back in December.…

  • 19 May 2017

    Air Force One is about to take off tonight, carrying Donald Trump to Saudi Arabia on his first trip overseas since he became President – for a summit in Saudi Arabia with Arab and Muslim leaders. Iran won’t be there, though, nor its close ally Syria. Today relations were complicated still further, as the Syrians…

  • 19 May 2017

    Another attempt to broker peace in Syria began in Geneva this week. The Syrian regime and opposition forces agreed four main de-escalation zones in the north. Despite this ‘”truce”, though, there hasn’t been an end to the fighting and killing. There were reportedly more than 200 civilian casualties during last week’s ceasefire alone – half…

  • 18 May 2017

    President Trump heads to Saudi Arabia tomorrow for a weekend summit with more than fifty Arab and Muslim leaders.

  • 12 Apr 2017

    When the spokesman becomes the headline it’s never a good idea. Today White House spokesman Sean Spicer admitted he had “screwed up” – by saying Adolf Hitler had never used chemical weapons “against his own people”, like Syria’s president Assad.

  • 8 Apr 2017

    The Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, has cancelled a planned trip to Moscow tomorrow, saying Russia’s continued defence of President Assad after the chemical weapons attack was “deplorable”.

  • 2 Mar 2017

    He’s just been confirmed as America’s most senior legal official – but did Trump’s Attorney general Jeff Sessions lie under oath?

  • 18 Feb 2017

    Theresa May has vowed to bring in new laws to improve the way domestic abuse cases are dealt with, and to end the postcode lottery in the support survivors receive. It’ll be a personal priority, the prime minister has declared. Charlotte Kneer is a survivor of domestic violence who is now an ambassador for the…

  • 14 Feb 2017

    The President’s National Security Adviser, Mike Flynn, has had to resign over telephone conversations he held with the Russian ambassador before he was appointed to office.

  • 4 Feb 2017

    We may be about to find out the limits of cozyness between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Fighting has flared up again this week in Eastern Ukraine. The UN has called it “A protracted humanitarian crisis”. And Trump’s ambassador at the UN Nikki Hayley blamed Russia for the new fighting – in a conflict which…

  • 26 Jan 2017

    Mrs May goes to Washington

    The prize of being first through the door has been grabbed in full knowledge that the rest of the world is waiting and measuring before even trying to march to President Trump’s side. Some countries, indeed, think the UK is acting with indecent and rather desperate haste to cosy up to the new US President.

  • 17 Jan 2017

    Theresa May: Brexit means leaving the single market

    Theresa May said British voters in the referendum deemed the price of membership, freedom of movement and submission to EU laws, too great. In the years to come we will discover the price of benefits or leaving.

  • 20 Dec 2016

    Russia, Iran and Turkey say they’re ready to broker a deal to end the Syrian war after talks in Moscow held without the United States or the UN. The meeting went ahead despite yesterday’s assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey by an off-duty police officer who shouted “don’t forget Aleppo”.

  • 20 Dec 2016

    Perhaps the simpler explanation is the more likely one: children really are being orphaned in Syria, or left wounded and distressed, and those children are now being wrongly accused of involvement in an elaborate conspiracy.

  • 1 Dec 2016

    Some Brexiteers are not amused by Mr Davis’ words. Arron Banks of called them “incredibly foolish”.