Search results for ‘middle east’

1,959 items found

  • 13 Feb 2012

    Syria puts al-Qaeda and west on same side

    Jon Snow blogs on the situation in Syria and why it seems to be putting al-Qaeda and the West on the same side.

  • 6 Feb 2012

    Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum blogs on the options for dealing with the violence in Syria

  • 6 Feb 2012

    While the Syrian government bombards Homs, what is the international community doing? Channel 4 News looks at what is happening on the surface and behind the scenes – and why.

  • 4 Feb 2012

    As the Six Nations rugby tournament kicks off, Channel 4 News Senior Programme Editor Ben Monro-Davies looks at a tournament which can “render great players clowns and journeymen national heroes”.

  • 3 Feb 2012

    The US defence secretary warns that Israel may attack Iran as early as April to halt the development of Tehran’s nuclear programme.

  • 2 Feb 2012

    The EU oil embargo on Iran shows how “black gold” can determine the decision-making of countries across the globe. But what does the future hold? Channel 4 News speaks to the experts.

  • 31 Jan 2012

    With Russia resisting moves at the UN to force President Assad to stand down, Jonathan Miller describes the emergence in Syria of citizen reporters determined to show the world what is happening.

  • 25 Jan 2012

    On the first anniversary of protests which swept Egypt and led to the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year presidency, Channel 4 News asks: what has the revolution meant for Egypt?

  • 24 Jan 2012

    Was our Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Jonathan Miller, a victim of mistaken identity on his recent visit to Syria? Apparently not – just unwittingly misquoted.

  • 14 Jan 2012

    Tunisia is celebrating the first anniversary of the fall of Ben Ali, which sparked the Arab Spring and spread to the entire region. But with discontent still rife, where does Tunisia find itself now?

  • 5 Jan 2012

    President Obama signals a new direction for US defence strategy towards the Asia-Pacific and away from Europe – but will it delay the F-35 fighter planes destined for Britain’s only aircraft carrier?

  • 31 Dec 2011

    Who changed the world in 2011? This is how you voted: 1 Mohamed Bouazizi – 57% 2 People power – 26% 3 Occupy movement – 7% Who changed the world in 2011? Add your voice Check out who the Channel 4 News correspondents picked below – first up, Washington Correspondent Matt Frei. Below: Channel 4…

  • 30 Dec 2011

    The Arab League presence in Syria fails to stop violence, as activists report shootings and nail bomb attacks by soldiers during mass protests after Friday prayers.

  • 26 Dec 2011

    We’ve been asking you who changed your world in 2011. With the Arab Spring, the “Occupy” movement and social media dominating – was it the year of crowd power?

  • 24 Dec 2011

    Forces loyal to Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh fire in the air to stop tens of thousands of protesters, who are demanding he face trial, approaching his compound.