Search results for ‘middle east’

1,959 items found

  • 23 Dec 2011

    Dozens of people have died in the Syrian capital Damascus after two booby-trapped cars exploded at security forces sites in the city.

  • 23 Dec 2011

    From the Arab Spring to the eurozone crisis, Channel 4 News casts an expert eye on the events that changed the world this year.

  • 22 Dec 2011

    BMI jobs could be on the line as the owner of British Airways agrees to buy the troubled airline for £172.5m, in a move that will boost BA’s stranglehold on Heathrow.

  • 9 Dec 2011

    Defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones looks at the uncertain future facing Iraq and the wider region as US troops prepare to withdraw from the country at the end of this month.

  • 8 Dec 2011

    As an explosion hits oil production in the restive western city of Homs, a Syria expert tells Channel 4 News who could be behind the attack.

  • 6 Dec 2011

    As MIT warns the power grid of the United States needs a cyber shield, Technology Producer Geoff White looks at the threat posed by the most serious cyber infrastructure attack ever: Stuxnet.

  • 1 Dec 2011

    Those who approached me would first look around them to check to see that our government minder was out of earshot and there wasn’t a mukhabarat secret policeman skulking in the background. Then they’d speak quietly, eyes smiling. One or two would add: “Good question.” Or sometimes just: “Thank you.” Each time this happened, my heartbeat would quicken; each quiet comment a registration of protest.

  • 28 Nov 2011

    China and the world rebuild our infrastructure

    So from a chopper above the Thames I see a nation that used to build the world’s infrastructure that now wants the world to build ours. Infrastructure spending not by our government, but from abroad — from state guaranteed companies – from the Arab world and China paying for Britain’s infrastructure.

  • 25 Nov 2011

    The horrifying story of journalist Mona Eltahawy – who alleges sexual assault by Cairo’s riot police during Egypt’s protests – is more common than people think, Channel 4 News hears.

  • 22 Nov 2011

    As Egypt’s interim cabinet offers its resignation, activists in Cairo are calling for a million people to march through the streets to force the country’s military leaders to hand over power.

  • 18 Nov 2011

    The problem with brokering a resolution to the situation in Syria is that there are just too many regional actors with different agendas.

  • 18 Nov 2011

    Reports that Washington is accelerating its withdrawal from Iraq by three weeks are a mixed blessing, says defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones.

  • 17 Nov 2011

    As China’s rise continues, three senior US officials including Hillary Clinton have made recent high-profile visits to the Asia-Pacific region. Channel 4 News asks what is the US strategy there?

  • 11 Nov 2011

    As Israel retaliates over a Palestinian statehood bid that looks set to fail, Ramallah’s deputy mayor tells Channel 4 News the Israeli reaction means times will be hard for those who believe in peace.

  • 11 Nov 2011

    With scorching temperatures and desert climes, did Doha ever have a hope in its bid for the 2017 World Athletics Championships?