Search results for ‘taliban’

834 items found

  • 2 Mar 2010

    Go out just beyond the walls of the Grenadier Guards’ fort here at Shawqat and it is possible to get a glimpse of what Nato’s exit ticket from Afghanistan could look like. Could, possibly, maybe and perhaps – with quite a few ifs too.

  • 2 Mar 2010

    It is a completely baffling decision that makes an already dangerous job even more difficult, and threatens to undermine the principles of society-building that allegedly began the entire NATO exercise.

  • 1 Mar 2010

    Alex Thomson is stopped by an IED in the road ahead in Afghanistan.

  • 27 Feb 2010

    OK, let’s be clear, all we wanted to do was to go and collect our ISAF (NATO) accreditation.

  • 26 Feb 2010

    KABUL, AFGHANISTAN Again the Taliban or insurgency have left their mark on the Afghan capital. Its city centre shopping centre and Safi Hotel left a shattered wreck. In the gooey mud of Kabul’s semi-paved roads and non-paved pavements, piles of glass mingle into the freezing, oozy mud.

  • 16 Feb 2010

    An investigation for Channel 4 News reveals the story of a suicide bomber who grew up in Ealing before travelling to Somalia. Jonathan Rugman follows the path taken by newly radicalised youths.

  • 11 Feb 2010

    As insurgents use improvised explosive devices to fight British troops in Afghanistan, bomb disposal expert Captain Jon Evett recalls his personal experience leading a counter-IED team.

  • 28 Jan 2010

    On a pinboard in the Pentagon in the summer of 2004, as insurgency in Iraq took a turn for the worse, they put up a flier advertising a special screening of Gillo Pontecorvo’s 1966 classic film The Battle of Algiers. It depicts the ruthless tactics employed by both French colonial paratroopers and nationalist guerrillas in…

  • 18 Jan 2010

    Alex Thomson reflects on the attacks in Kabul and why the Afghan capital city has become such a target.

  • 18 Jan 2010

    The latest suicide bombings in Kabul highlight that the city is no longer safe, writes Nick Paton Walsh.

  • 14 Dec 2009

    Pakistan’s anti-Taliban offensive in South Waziristan contradicts the widely held view in Islamabad that sooner or later Nato’s coalition in Afghanistan will have to talk to the Taliban, blogs Julian Rush.

  • 1 Dec 2009

    So, come the small hours this side of the Atlantic, President Obama will address the American nation and confirm his intention to more fully pursue The Bush Doctrine which began in Iraq, through Afghanistan. Bush surged into Baghdad; Obama will surge into Kabul. Meanwhile here Gordon Brown has pre-surged, carefully timing his 500 reinforcements yesterday,…

  • 19 Nov 2009

    Kabul was the emptiest of cities this morning. The only way to move around – given the universal ban on private vehicles that has successfully staved off the predictable attack by the Taliban – was on foot. The traffic that usually blocks the city vanished. We found ourselves learning that routes between places we normally…

  • 17 Nov 2009

    Are Afghan women’s rights beyond the UK’s reach?

    Gary Gibbon blogs on David Miliband’s speech on Afghanistan and wonders if it will improve his standing with a certain American Secretary of State…

  • 16 Nov 2009

    The tale of Yusuf, injured while working as a translator for the British Army in Afghanistan, highlights the gulf in perceptions of responsibility, blogs Nick Paton Walsh