Search results for ‘50p’

156 items found

  • 20 Jul 2012

    The Olympic torch is to be abseiled down to the Tower of London by a Royal Marine commando to start its journey around the capital.

  • 4 Jul 2012

    One member of air crew dies and two others remain unaccounted for after two Tornado jets crashed off the coast of Scotland on Tuesday, the Ministry of Defence confirms.

  • 14 May 2012

    Scottish drinkers are set to have to pay more for alcohol than their counterparts in England and Wales after the Holyrood government set a target minimum price of 50p per unit.

  • 8 May 2012

    couple of days after the budget, with rows raging about the “granny tax” and George Osborne’s decision to help the super-rich by cutting the 50p rate, the PM had what seemed like a smart idea. Number 10 decided to bring forward plans to increase the price of cheap alcohol, to tackle binge drinking and what David Cameron called “the mayhem on our streets”. According to Mr Cameron cheap booze is causing a “scourge of violence” – a million violent crimes and more than a million hospital admissions each year. Setting a minimum unit price (MUP) would, he promised, provide “a big part of the answer”. But I’ve found out that just four days before he made his announcement, he’d been warned by one of his own ministers that the policy could well be illegal. Was the PM right to go ahead or should he have listened to his colleague?

  • 30 Apr 2012

    The Clydesdale and Yorkshire banks are to cut more than 1,400 jobs in the UK by 2015 because of the “deterioration in the economic and operating conditions”.

  • 21 Apr 2012

    Chancellor: We have completely won the argument on austerity

    “I am not in, as the chancellor of the exchequer, a daily opinion poll contest and a daily popularity contest. I will tell you what I am engaged in. A daily contest with the rest of the world to make Britain competitive to bring jobs to Britain.”

  • 21 Apr 2012

    In an interview with Channel 4 News Chancellor George Osborne defends his decision to give an extra £10bn loan to the International Monetary Fund while preaching austerity measures at home.

  • 19 Apr 2012

    As MPs debate George Osborne’s budget, the National Pensioners Convention lobbies parliament over cuts to older people’s tax allowances.

  • 11 Apr 2012

    Budget pursues PM all the way to Jakarta

    On normal work days I share a postcode with the Prime Minister, but he’s decided to do his first UK TV interviews since the Budget in Jakarta. You can see mine on Channel 4 News tonight at 7.

  • 10 Apr 2012

    David Cameron targets Japanese businesses

    Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon joins David Cameron on his trip to Japan.

  • 7 Apr 2012

    Should MPs’ tax returns be made public? As the Chancellor says he would be happy to publish his, a former Tory Cabinet minister tells us it is an unwarranted invasion of privacy.

  • 4 Apr 2012

    Is the tycoon tax threatening the big society?

    Why tax changes proposed in the budget could undo the good work of Big Society Capital – the body launched to fund social investment.

  • 2 Apr 2012

    As the government defends plans for wider state access to our email and digital communications, one expert tells Channel 4 News it could dissuade cyber start-up businesses from coming to Britain.

  • 31 Mar 2012

    Government’s can make unpopular decisions and be rewarded for them but appearing to be incompetent is disastrous. In turn politicians who are rich and priviledged can thrive with the public but appearing to have lost touch with how ordinary people live can be fatal. That’s why the fuel crisis is so dangerous for the government – especially if it turns out that the whole thing was planned as a political attack on the Unite union and Ed Miliband.

  • 27 Mar 2012

    Small businesses are at risk of being driven to the wall by yet another rise, they say, after Royal Mail announces a stamp price hike. Stockpiling stamps is just one option being considered.