Search results for ‘AV referendum’

1,351 items found

  • 16 Jul 2018

    Brexit-supporting Conservative backbenchers have forced the government to accept a series of amendments to its cross-border trade bill that appear to significantly alter the Brexit deal struck by the cabinet at Chequers. Theresa May claimed the Chequers agreement had not been changed, but the climbdown has prompted a furious row across Conservative benches. Tory Remainers…

  • 4 Jul 2018

    Months ago, Channel 4 News and the Observer broadcast the extraordinary claims of a whistleblower, who claimed Vote Leave broke the law on spending on the 2016 Brexit referendum. Those claims reignited an Electoral Commission investigation into the actions of the official Leave campaign. Today, in a pre-emptive strike, the Leave campaign leaked parts of…

  • 4 Jul 2018

    Vote Leave used a campaign group, BeLeave, as “a way to overspend, and they lied by saying there was no coordination” during the Brexit campaign, whistleblower Shahmir Sanni has told Channel 4 News.

  • 12 Jun 2018

    Now to another Brexit-related event: the appearance of the businessman who bankrolled the Leave. EU campaign in front of MPs who are probing fake news and the misuse of data during the referendum campaign. The day began with Arron Banks being confronted by a pro-Remain campaigner who accused him of telling porkie pies. But it…

  • 10 Jun 2018

    The millionaire businessman who campaigned and donated to the Brexit campaign is to appear before MPs on Tuesday to explain claims he held undisclosed meetings with Russian officials before the EU referendum. Details of the alleged meetings contained in emails published by the Sunday Times, come amid questions about possible Russian influence over the UK’s…

  • 23 May 2018

    On Friday Ireland will decide whether to scrap its almost-total ban on abortion. Vocal proponents for and against reforming the constitution have powered a referendum campaign that has become increasingly bitter, but with a significant proportion of the electorate thought to have made up their minds. Our Social Affairs Editor Jackie Long is joined in…

  • 16 May 2018

    They’re the small Canadian company credited with helping to take Britain out of the EU. Today Aggregate IQ boss Jeff Silvester appeared before Parliament to answer questions about the firm’s role in the controversial Vote Leave campaign. It comes after this programme broadcast allegations that Vote Leave may have broken election rules when they donated…

  • 30 Apr 2018

    Sajid Javid and the Customs Union

    Theresa May has appointed a new member to the Brexit Cabinet Committee just two days before what could be one of its most decisive meetings.

  • 29 Mar 2018

    Transport Secretary Chris Grayling who was a leading supporter of the Vote Leave campaign, discusses the allegations made by a whistle blower that Vote Leave may have cheated during the EU referendum campaign. And on those points raised in that interview – Vote Leave say their conduct was entirely legal and proper – and that…

  • 2 Mar 2018

    Environment Secretary Michael Gove discusses Theresa May’s Brexit speech and says it would be “hugely disruptive and disrespectful” to have a second referendum.

  • 21 Feb 2018

    Brexit referendum – the sequel?

    A pro-Remain campaign bus mocking the Brexit slogan from the referendum struggled through back lanes of Westminster for a photo op this morning. Wedged between cars as the bus driver executed a 50 point turn, one campaigner on the bus said: “Oh no, this is going to be the story.” In front, a waiting firing squad of cameras suggested that might be on the money.

  • 24 Jan 2018

    David Cameron busted over Brexit remarks

    David Cameron’s been caught on camera at Davos saying: “Brexit has turned out less badly than we thought.” He describes it as a “mistake” and “not a disaster.” Brexit supporters in parliament and the press are already waving it as proof they were right all along and his referendum campaign was full of puffed up…

  • 11 Jan 2018

    Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage has floated the idea of there being another referendum on EU membership. He said it could shut up people who he called “remoaning” politicians as the new vote in favour of leaving would be so huge. Our political editor Gary Gibbon is in Westminster.  

  • 16 Dec 2017

    He was the man who brought us the Brexit referendum – but since his hurried departure from Downing Street in the wake of the result, David Cameron has kept a low profile. Eighteen months on, the former Prime Minister has re-emerged. He will now take control of a £750 million fund to improve ports, roads…

  • 20 Nov 2017

    The elections watchdog has opened an investigation into the Vote Leave campaign’s spending during the Brexit referendum, and into substantial donations which Vote Leave made to two other pro-Brexit campaign groups. The Electoral Commission said new information had come to light since it last reviewed spending limits earlier this year.