Search results for ‘Chelsea’

296 items found

  • 22 Aug 2017

    It’s been two months since the Grenfell Tower fire, yet many survivors are still waiting for new homes. This week Kensington and Chelsea Council will discuss urgent measures to spend tens of millions of pounds on properties nearby. Yet the council still has a lengthy waiting list, and even though hundreds of new homes are…

  • 15 Aug 2017

    The terms of reference for the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire have been revealed,with a wider scope, including the actions of Kensington and Chelsea Council before and after the tragedy. The inquiry, led by Sir Martin Moore-Bick, won’t go into broader issues like attitudes towards social housing, although the Prime Miister Theresa May said she was determined those…

  • 1 Aug 2017

    We did ask Kensington and Chelsea Council and the Kensington and Chelsea tenant management organisation as well as the Government to come on but no one was available.

  • 30 Jul 2017

    The Grenfell tragedy is on a scale not seen for decades in the United Kingdom. It has exposed acute divisions in society, dangerous weaknesses in social housing, planning, and fire regulations, and a gaping lack of trust between some of the most vulnerable and the authorities charged with looking after them.

  • 27 Jul 2017

    The police say they have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect Kensington and Chelsea Council and the authority’s Tenant Management Organisation may have committed corporate manslaughter. At least eighty people lost their lives in the fire. Scotland Yard said that a senior representative from each organisation would be interviewed as part of their ongoing criminal investigation.

  • 25 Jul 2017

    Reg Kerr-Bell, a former chairman of the Chelsea and Kensington Tenancy Management Organisation, who resigned after his concerns about the way it was run were ignored, says meetings could descend into chaos.

  • 25 Jul 2017

    The Grenfell fire has brought into focus the bodies running much of Britain’s social housing – tenant management organisations, or TMOs. Kensington and Chelsea TMO, which ran Grenfell Tower and was responsible for its refurbishment, is the biggest in Britain, with nearly 10,000 properties and thousands of tenants. TMOs, especially Kensington and Chelsea, have been…

  • 24 Jul 2017

    (Library film footage used in this film, courtesy of film maker Daniel Renwick) In the shadow of Grenfell, plans by Kensington and Chelsea Council to lease the borough’s oldest library to the private Notting Hill Prep School may now be in the balance. After an impassioned campaign by residents to keep the library open to…

  • 19 Jul 2017

    North Kensington resident, Tomassina Hessel, and Justice for Grenfell campaigner, Moira Samuels, discuss Kensington and Chelsea Council’s response to the tower block fire.

  • 1 Jul 2017

    The government has put Kensington and Chelsea Council on notice – after its leaders resigned over the handling of the Grenfell Tower disaster. Senior Labour figures say the breakdown in trust is now so severe that urgent action is needed to restore the faith of the local community – while communities secretary Sajid Javid said…

  • 30 Jun 2017

    Beinazir Lasharie, a Labour councillor on Kensington and Chelsea Council, says the authority didn’t listen to Grenfell residents’ concerns before the fire. She says she is still waiting for counselling after the disaster and, like other residents, is suffering from post-traumatic stress.

  • 22 Jun 2017

    The London Mayor Sadiq Khan has declared that the entire leadership at Kensington and Chelsea council should consider their positions – saying there was “not a chance in hell” that residents would have “the semblance of confidence” in them. The council’s chief executive has already quit – but are those with political power accepting their…

  • 21 Jun 2017

    With many households now homeless, today the Government announced that some survivors will be rehomed in 68 newly built social housing flats in a luxury development in Kensington and Chelsea borough. And the Government is considering setting up a new civil disaster reaction taskforce to provide assistance at times of emergency. Tonight the Home Office…

  • 16 Jun 2017

    A group of protesters earlier forced their way into Kensington and Chelsea town hall with a list of demands. Many are now on their way back to the area around Grenfell tower.

  • 16 Jun 2017

    Kensington and Chelsea brought in more money from Stamp Duty Land Tax than any other UK local authority in 2015/16.