Search results for ‘Forests’

110 items found

  • 17 Oct 2011

    Rules on plant and timber imports to the UK are to be tightened in an attempt to rid the country of alien diseases that have already killed millions of trees.

  • 12 Oct 2011

    Changes to Europe’s farm handouts could hit big landowners like the Queen. But critics say it is a massive missed opportunity to abandon the subsidy culture for good.

  • 26 Sep 2011

    Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner and environmentalist Wangari Maathai has died in hospital, where she was being treated for cancer. She was 71.

  • 22 Sep 2011

    Oxfam publishes a report warning that a “modern day land rush” is harming some of the world’s poorest people, who facing losing their homes and livelihoods.

  • 31 Jul 2011

    An international project based in Peru hopes that by decoding the potato’s entire genetic code, it will allow future breeders to create pest-resistant spuds.

  • 15 Jul 2011

    The eruption of an Indonesian volcano spewing lava and smoke 1,500 metres into the air is forcing panicked residents to flee.

  • 12 Jul 2011

    I return to a banana republic – or is it a ‘rag trade republic’?

    “As I spent most of the time in the rainforests of Central America, I can’t quite be sure whether I’ve come from or returned to some sort of banana republic.”

  • 6 Jul 2011

    A wall of dust descends on parts of Phoenix, Arizona, drastically reducing visibility and delaying flights as strong winds cause power outages for thousands of residents.

  • 8 Jun 2011

    Arizona’s second largest ever wildfire, dubbed the Wallow Fire, continues to burn out of control for the tenth day and threatens two towns near New Mexico.

  • 10 May 2011

    This time last year we were all still wondering what kind of relationship we were about to get? David and Nick? Nick and Gordon? Nick and David Miliband? Were they just political dating? Moving in together? Or getting married? A year on David Cameron is the dominant partner, Nick Clegg has gone from most eligible bachelor to public hate figure. And Ed Miliband is still there trying to tempt him to leave the relationship and move in with Labour. So let’s start the couples therapy with David Cameron.

  • 28 Mar 2011

    Two leading health experts write for Channel 4 News on the NHS reforms, warning they could destroy the principles on which the NHS was founded and leave it as a brand name and funding agency only.

  • 23 Mar 2011

    A nuclear plant in Japan, which is experiencing problems after the quake and tsunami, has taken in hundreds of local people who are homeless after the disaster. Alex Thomson tries to get inside to find out the full story but is denied access.

  • 8 Mar 2011

    “The Coalition’s in trouble – and you heard it here first!”, was the triumphant conclusion of one of our guests last night. That may or may not be true, but with a resounding “No Way!” the Dispatches audience rejected every proposition before them on selling Britain’s assets to start paying off the national debt, which will this year hit a trillion pounds.

  • 5 Mar 2011

    Cameron needs to order more wine and crisps

    David Cameron is acutely aware of a growing sense among Conservative backbenchers that they have been marginalised by the coalition with the Liberal Democrats, blogs Gary Gibbon.

  • 5 Mar 2011

    Did you know the silverware in Downing street is worth millions? Or that Gibraltar could raise eighteen billion pounds? The National Asset Register says we have around 300 Billion pounds worth of things we could sell.