Search results for ‘Gordon Brown’

873 items found

  • 15 Apr 2010

    Brown tries to embrace an unwilling Clegg

    Gary Gibbon blogs that the prime minister is trying to embrace the unwilling Lib Dem leader in a loveless armlock.

  • 8 Apr 2010

    After a tumultuous three years in Downing Street, the prime minister will now hope his resilience will keep him in power. Gary Gibbon continues his #asktheleaders profiles looking at Gordon Brown.

  • 27 Mar 2010

    Unconvinced by Brown’s pledges

    Channel 4’s political editor Gary Gibbon is not sure about Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s election pledges “in an era of collapsed trust”.

  • 26 Mar 2010

    Gordon Brown gets in a muddle by using different sets of figures to show that net inward migration is falling.

  • 17 Mar 2010

    PMQs: Brown on Unite and the BA dispute

    Gordon Brown admitted at PMQs that he has gone beyond calling for talks in his phone conversations with both sides in the BA dispute.

  • 17 Mar 2010

    Gordon Brown has been forced to admit he misled the House of Commons over defence spending, after an investigation by Channel 4 News FactCheck.

  • 17 Mar 2010

    Prime Minister Gordon Brown accepts he made a mistake when he told MPs that defence spending had risen every year in real terms, following an investigation by Cathy Newman’s FactCheck.

  • 10 Mar 2010

    The claim “The defence budget has been rising every year…. The only time the defence budget has been cut was in the 10 years before 1997” Gordon Brown, Questions to the prime minister, 10 March, 2010 Cathy Newman checks it out Gordon Brown has been under heavy fire from the top military brass in the…

  • 10 Mar 2010

    Brown confirms budget date and frames election debate

    Gary Gibbon blogs on how Gordon Brown has revealed the date of the budget in a key note speech, and set out what are likely to be Labour’s election themes on the economy.

  • 5 Mar 2010

    Iraq inquiry: Brown sadness at lives lost in ‘right war’

    Gordon Brown has left the building. He closed his evidence repeatedly referring to his “sadness” at the lives lost in Iraq. There was no expression of regret. He thought it was the right war entered into for the right reasons, he repeatedly said. Everything he said, he said repeatedly.

  • 5 Mar 2010

    Brown rattles off the numerical artillery

    For those of you who were following that penultimate session with the Prime Minster, resource account budgeting lived up to its billing. It is tough stuff but central to the whole story of whether the MOD was getting enough money to make long-term investments in the sort of kit now very clearly needed. Gordon Brown…

  • 5 Mar 2010

    Brown’s smiles to the public gallery meet stony stares

    I’m not sure we learnt a lot more in the second session of the PM’s evidence to the Iraq inquiry. Gordon Brown was asked if he was aware that the Attorney General had changed his opinion substantially before giving war the legal go-ahead. He answered, “I wasn’t aware in any detail.” I think that means…

  • 5 Mar 2010

    Brown dodges questions on Blair’s commitment to war

    The Iraq inquiry team really did try to get Mr Brown to say whether he knew Tony Blair was committed to war (assuming other avenues failed) as early as the spring of 2002.

  • 2 Feb 2010

    Constitutional reform? Gordon was ‘the primary block’

    Just watching Gordon Brown at the Liaison Committee and they’re going to get round to constitutional reform a bit later, before they do some questions on “Being Prime Minister!” Anyway, the Prime Minister was a little earlier giving a speech on constitutional reform, fresh from the Cabinet giving the go-ahead to an amendment to the…

  • 26 Jan 2010

    We’re out of recession, but do Brown and Cameron look daft?

    Who comes away with most egg on their face after a figure like that? The economy may have grown 0.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2009. But does it make Gordon Brown look a bit premature in announcing the country’s out of recession? This figure is preliminary and could be revised downwards. Or…