Search results for ‘Hamid Karzai’

81 items found

  • 26 Feb 2010

    KABUL, AFGHANISTAN Again the Taliban or insurgency have left their mark on the Afghan capital. Its city centre shopping centre and Safi Hotel left a shattered wreck. In the gooey mud of Kabul’s semi-paved roads and non-paved pavements, piles of glass mingle into the freezing, oozy mud.

  • 23 Feb 2010

    It is set to be a momentous fortnight for Nato, who at last appear to have wrestled the “narrative” of the insurgency from the Taliban’s hands. In a nutshell, here is their good news: an assault on their stronghold and the capture now of four senior Taliban commanders, apparently with the help of the Pakistanis. There…

  • 6 May 2009

    It is hard to say which meeting is more important: Obama’s meeting with the president of Afghanistan or with the president of Pakistan. For it is becoming increasingly clear that Obama’s foreign policy reputation – indeed his presidency – will depend upon success in what US officials call the “Af-Pak” region, in much the same…

  • 30 Apr 2009

    Gordon Brown has announced a mini-surge of British troops in Afghanistan to help police the August presidential election there. He’s also promised a big increase in aid to Pakistan, with half of the money going to the Afghan frontier region, which Mr Brown has branded “the crucible of global terrorism”. His 15-page strategy document (UK…

  • 6 Aug 2011

    A Nato helicopter has crashed fighting insurgents in east Afghanistan, killing 31 US troops and seven Afghan soldiers in the worst single incident for foreign troops in Afghanistan.

  • 12 Nov 2009

    As US Ambassador to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry, leaks a memo about his concerns of sending more troops to Afghanistan President Obama ponders whether sending more soldiers will really make a difference. Nick Paton Walsh writes.