Search results for ‘Kim Jong-un’

143 items found

  • 6 Feb 2019

    Trump’s calls for co-operation on the border wall may have fallen flat, but the President took a softer tone, rather than his trademark fury at the State of the Union address.

  • 20 Nov 2018

    Kim Jong-un, Jose Mourinho and Jacob Rees-Mogg in a cheese-rolling contest, watched with bemused horror by Steve McFadden, best known as Phil Mitchell from EastEnders. The crazy world of internet sensation Cold War Steve, whose absurd collages portray a dystopian image of Britain’s future. His satirical take on Brexit has won over staunch Remainers and disillusioned Leavers alike.…

  • 2 Jun 2018

    The summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un is definitely on – after the US president said it would take place as planned in Singapore later this month. And to prove it – a senior North Korean official handed Mr Trump an enormous letter after talks at the White House. But the President has been…

  • 24 May 2018

    Next month’s summit with the North Koreans was supposed to be a foreign policy triumph for President Trump. He said his threats of military action, often in tweets aimed the leader he mocked as “little rocket man”, coupled with sanctions, had driven Kim Jong-un to discuss abandoning his nuclear ambitions. But today – after the…

  • 16 May 2018

    North Korea has suspended talks with South Korea and threatened to cancel an historic summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump, saying it wasn’t interested in a one-sided demand to give up its nuclear weapons. Mr Trump said he hadn’t been notified about any threat and would still insist on North Korea’s denuclearisation.

  • 10 May 2018

    In the US, President Trump is predicting a “big success” for the forthcoming summit with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un. He was speaking as he capitalised on the return of three American detainees released by North Korea. He added that he hoped he could travel to North Korea one day and that he believed Mr…

  • 2 May 2018

    It’s one of the world’s longest-running conflicts, but could it finally be coming to an end?

  • 29 Apr 2018

    North Korea has told its southern neighbour that it will allow inspectors to confirm that its is abandoning its nuclear test site. The move follows talks between Kim Jong-un and his South Korean counterpart.

  • 27 Apr 2018

    A moment in history captured in a handshake, as the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un grasped hands with South Korea’s Moon Jae-in, and they walked together across the border in scenes unimaginable just a few months ago. The two leaders agreed to work towards ridding the entire peninsula of nuclear weapons, along with a peace…

  • 21 Apr 2018

    President Trump has welcomed a decision by the North Korean leader to suspend all missile tests and shut down a nuclear test site. The announcement comes as Kim Jong-Un prepares for historic talks with South Korea and the United States. Both countries have been pushing Pyongyang to denuclearise – but this development doesn’t go far…

  • 13 Mar 2018

    It’s no secret President Trump and Rex Tillerson’s relationship was on the rocks. But why the messy break-up now? Could it be over the sudden announcement that the President would meet Kim Jong-un, or is Mr Trump annoyed the former secretary of state condemned Russia after the Salisbury nerve agent attack? Whatever caused the split,…

  • 10 Mar 2018

    Donald Trump has declared that a deal with North Korea is “very much in the making”, a day after revealing he had agreed to meet its leader Kim Jong-un. Cathy Newman speaks to a North Korean defector-turned-activist who met President Trump.

  • 10 Feb 2018

    North Korea has invited South Korean leader President Moon Jae-in to visit Pyongyang. It would be the first summit between the leaders of the two Koreas in more than a decade. The invite came as North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un’s younger sister visited the Winter Olympics, where today a joint Korean Ice Hockey team turned…

  • 17 Jan 2018

    North and South Korea have agreed that their athletes will march together under one flag at the opening ceremony of next month’s Winter Olympics. It’s a remarkable development as the two countries have been at loggerheads over the North’s nuclear weapons programme, and after the ferocious war of words between President Trump and Kim Jong-un.…

  • 9 Jan 2018

    As Kim Jong-un prepares to send a team to the South Korea Winter Olympics, Team GB are also looking to next month’s Games. Back in the summer of 2016, Britain’s Paralympians were triumphant in Rio. The team smashed their own targets, winning 147 medals. Today they set out their stall for the Winter Olympics, with…