Search results for ‘Pope Benedict’

92 items found

  • 20 Sep 2010

    As the Pope’s visit comes to an end with a special mass in Birmingham, Channel 4 News correspondent Darshna Soni asks whether faith is a critical part of the fabric of British society.

  • 16 Sep 2010

    The Pontiff and his people are worried an “aggressive” secularism is undermining traditional values in British society. But is he right?

  • 16 Sep 2010

    Another cover-up at the Vatican?

    After the child sex abuse scandals in the Catholic church, Jon Snow asks if Cardinal Kasper’s illness is another example of a Vatican cover-up.

  • 15 Sep 2010

    More than half of Catholic priests convicted for child abuse and sentenced to more than a year in prison, in England and Wales since 2001, remain in the priesthood, Channel 4 News reveals.

  • 14 Sep 2010

    Ahead of the Pope’s visit to Britain this week, it’s emerged more men are training to be priests in England. One new recruit and one thinking of becoming a priest speak to Channel 4 News.

  • 12 Sep 2010

    As the Pope prepares to come to Britain, the Catholic church is engulfed by a new crisis. Jonathan Rugman has details of a distressing inquiry into child abuse by priests in Belgium.

  • 30 Aug 2010

    Secret recordings reveal a senior figure in the Catholic church pleaded with a sex abuse victim to delay going public about his ordeal until the bishop who had abused him resigned. By Jonathan Rugman.

  • 27 Aug 2010

    A 52-year-old can go ahead with his court case against a Jesuit school where he claims he was abused. Channel 4 news hears that child abuse cases are often tried outside the legal time limit.

  • 14 Apr 2010

    Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone is the Vatican’s top diplomat. Which is scary, because what he said in Chile this week defies all norms of diplomatic behaviour. As I said on Channel 4 News last night, the Vatican does not seem to have heard of the cardinal rule: “when you are in a hole, stop digging”; and…

  • 8 Jul 2009

    By the time you are reading this I hope to be supping on mozzarella di bufala in a medieval Italian hilltop town full of churches stuffed with paintings by Renaissance masters. The reality will probably be that I shall be going through umpteen security scanners along with some 3000 other journalists queuing for the G8…

  • 18 Mar 2009

    Condoms and Aids

    Several readers of this blog have commented on my interview in last night’s programme on the back of Lindsey Hilsum’s report on the Pope’s trip to Africa. En route to Cameroon, Pope Benedict remarked that condoms were not a solution to the spread of Aids but part of the problem. After the piece, I spoke…

  • 14 Oct 2014

    In a review of its teachings on the family and sexuality, Catholic bishops say gay people have “gifts and qualities to offer”. A sign the church is adopting a more welcoming attitude to homosexuality?

  • 5 Feb 2014

    Child abuse and the Catholic church: is the Vatican still resisting reform?

    A UN Committee say the Catholic church has proved itself neither capable nor willing to properly root out abuse.

  • 1 Oct 2013

    Can two old priests change the world?

    Both these priests have huge mountains of prejudice and doubt to climb but Pope Francis and Iran’s Rouhani may herald a more creative and hopeful era.

  • 14 Mar 2013

    Papal shot in the arm for the political classes

    Could Pope Francis be the global leader to challenge our comfort by highlighting the inequalities that exist in the world?