Search results for ‘Zuma’

96 items found

  • 3 Sep 2012

    Four striking miners are hurt by rubber bullets fired by security guards, as it emerges that other miners arrested over the deaths of 34 colleagues two weeks ago will be released.

  • 20 Aug 2012

    Just over a quarter of miners have returned to work at the Lonmin platinum mine in South Africa following 44 deaths in violent clashes last week.

  • 17 Aug 2012

    As the number of protesters killed at a South African platinum mine reaches 34, a blame game has begun over the deaths, a reminder to the public of the dark days of apartheid.

  • 24 Apr 2012

    An international drugs giant is taking legal action against four NHS trusts over their use of a cheaper, but “riskier” alternative treatment for a serious eye disease.

  • 25 Feb 2012

    Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s 93-year-old former president, was in hospital today due to a “long-standing abdominal complaint”, said the country’s government.

  • 6 Oct 2011

    The words were simply stunning. Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s tirade against the ANC government rocks so much that we have assumed about post-apartheid South Africa. Comparing the ANC to Libya’s Gaddafi and Egypt’s Mubarak he slammed the party that delivered freedom to South Africa as worse than the old regime. At least you expected them to behave badly, he raged, adding “You, President Zuma and your government, do not represent me. I am warning you, as I warned the nationalists, one day we will pray for the defeat of the ANC government.” It is a sense of anger and betrayal that chimes with much of what I found while filming for the new series of Unreported World (Friday, Channel 4 at 1930 and on 4OD).

  • 7 Sep 2011

    The Gaddafi regime may not be the only casualty of events over the past six months. Africa’s most powerful nations may have been compromised by their dealings with Libya under the discredited colonel.

  • 26 Aug 2011

    As Libya’s National Transitional Council moves to Tripoli to attempt to restore normality, the African Union has refused to recognise the new government in a sign of support for Colonel Gaddafi.

  • 25 Aug 2011

    Colonel Gaddafi calls on his supporters to march on Tripoli and “purify” the capital of Libya’s rebels, as International Editor Lindsey Hilsum meets neighbourhood groups patrolling the streets.

  • 26 Jul 2011

    I’m in South Africa filming a Channel 4 documentary (about which more at a later date) and have stumbled across an intriguing by-product of the phone-hacking scandal that the British government may not have thought about.

  • 20 Jul 2011

    Cameron seeks to soothe worried backbenchers

    Our Political Editor reports on the tensions between the Prime Minister and his backbenchers ahead of his latest statement on the hacking scandal.

  • 18 Jul 2011

    As Nelson Mandela celebrates his 93rd birthday, South Africans are being urged to do 67 minutes of voluntary work to mark the 67 years Mandela spent fighting apartheid.

  • 18 Jul 2011

    With today’s resignation of Assistant Commissioner John Yates, following yesterday’s decision by Sir Paul Stephenson to stand down, is the Metropolitan Police now a “rudderless ship”?

  • 4 Jul 2011

    Turkey officially recognises Libya’s anti-government rebels and promises to give them at least $200m in aid.

  • 31 May 2011

    Colonel Gaddafi calls for a truce as a flood of defections threatens to fatally weaken his grip on power.