Search results for ‘goldman sachs’

89 items found

  • 27 Jan 2010

    Ken v Mandy, ‘it’s mostly monetary” and the gift of the Gabay

    Ken vs Mandy, “it’s mostly monetary” for the Tories and the gift of the Gabay, blogs Faisal Islam.

  • 5 Dec 2009

    I leave Brazil an optimist

    Goldman Sachs was right when, earlier this century, its chief economist came up with the concept of the BRIC economies…these were the big economies likely to make it into the top league in the first part of the 21st century: Brazil, Russia, India and China.

  • 5 Nov 2009

    Public money behind the surge in stock market trading

    I have blogged before about the role “unproductive” trades are playing in the current stock market boom. The FT today reports Goldman Sachs only posted one day’s trading loss in the past quarter – the quarter before saw two such days. On 35 of the 65 days of trading in the last quarter the company…

  • 3 Nov 2009

    Sarah Smith blogs on one year from Obama’s anniversary of his election and what polls matter now.

  • 28 Oct 2009

    Why the banks have stopped lending

    Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow insists there are no signs of increaed credit being made available in Europe despite the campaigns by politicians and senior economists.

  • 15 Oct 2009

    Evolution in Coventry

    Sunny morning in London. Rainy morning in Coventry – yet amazingly only 58 minutes apart by rail; I was there to deliver a lecture for Coventry University. The place nestles around the cathedral in the centre of the city – the lecture was actually in the nave of it. I had first visited the bomb…

  • 22 Jul 2009

    American banks’ ‘amazing steal’

    “I think the banks have pulled one. They maybe didn’t plan on it, but looking back it’s quite an amazing steal… “The banks got an amazing deal last September, they were rescued by the taxpayer, and then refloated themselves giving the taxpayer very little of the upside and now they are going to have very…

  • 22 Jul 2009

    America’s banks rake in bumper profits just six months after they were on the ropes, begging for government bailouts. Faisal Islam went to the US to find out what the legacy of the banking crisis is.

  • 20 Jul 2009

    My bet would be on Australia

    For what it is worth, and it is worth very little, I think the Aussies are going to win the Lords test today. They will get the remaining 200 runs with one wicket to spare, and I say this after watching them for the two hours before bad light stopped play last night and watching most…

  • 8 Apr 2009

    Dead aid to Africa's North-South Corridor?

    DFID, the UK aid department, asked me to volunteer to come down here to Lusaka in Zambia to help “facilitate” the launch of the North-South Corridor project for which they and other donors have thus far raised $1.35bn. It involved four presidents, the head of the WTO, a DFID minister, an EU commissioner, international banks,…

  • 2 Oct 2008

    Within a week in October 2008 the US and UK governments were forced to bailout their banks in order to save the economic system as the credit crunch began to bite.

  • 7 Jun 2017

    The Wikileaks files suggest there have been western efforts to “bring pressure” on Saudi Arabia to end its support for ISIS.

  • 16 Jun 2013

    As leaders of some of the world’s biggest economies head to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland, David Cameron has put tax at the top of the agenda.

  • 20 Apr 2010

    IMF: Banks should pay their own way and no ‘Robin Hood’ tax

    Faisal Islam blogs on the IMF report into making banks pay their own way