Search results for ‘keith vaz’

104 items found

  • 28 Apr 2012

    Immigration Minister Damian Green is facing tough questions over chronic delays at Heathrow Airport’s passport control that leave some passengers waiting for hours.

  • 17 Apr 2012

    The radical cleric, Abu Qatada, is denied bail by an immigration judge as Home Secretary Theresa May announces his deportation will take place following “assurances” from Jordan.

  • 30 Mar 2012

    Exclusive: Corrupt police officers are accused of deleting intelligence reports from the national police computer on the orders of criminal gangs in a secret report passed to the Leveson inquiry.

  • 3 Jan 2012

    The government says it has no plans to change Britain’s gun laws after a horrific shooting on New Year’s Day that left four people dead. We have some of the toughest gun laws in the world already, ministers have said. That’s almost exactly what Theresa May said 18 months ago, after taxi driver Derrick Bird shot 12 people dead in Cumbria with legally-owned guns.

  • 20 Dec 2011

    Police dealing with rioters need clearer guidelines about when to use guns, plastic bullets and water cannon, according to a report into the summer disturbances by the Inspectorate of Constabulary.

  • 20 Dec 2011

    A police review says arsonists could be shot, while guidelines are needed on the use of plastic bullets and water cannon. But one leading lawyer tell Channel 4 News: “This is not the rule of law.”

  • 14 Dec 2011

    Sales of the video game “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” hit $1bn in just 16 days. But why are such games are so popular and do they harm your health? Games guru Adrian Hon explains.

  • 15 Nov 2011

    Live Channel 4 News online coverage of Brodie Clark’s appearance before MPs on the home affairs select committee.

  • 5 Nov 2011

    As the UK’s border force chief is suspended over checks for non-EU nationals, a source tells Channel 4 News “we were told if there were queues, look at the passport and let them through”.

  • 4 Nov 2011

    A critical report by MPs says border officials have lost track of a population of asylum seekers and migrants the size of Cambridge.

  • 4 Nov 2011

    The UK Border Agency has lost track of 124,000 asylum seekers and migrant applicants. But how easy is it to disappear without a trace in modern Britain? Channel 4 News investigates.

  • 9 Sep 2011

    After the funeral of Mark Duggan today, whose death sparked the riots a month ago, it is understood that police forces from Cornwall to Northumbria will finally leave the capital – ending four weeks of unprecedented extra support for the Metropolitan Police. Will the government pay up, or will the police foot the bill? FactCheck investigates.

  • 9 Aug 2011

    David Cameron vows to do “everything necessary to restore order to Britain’s streets as he recalls Parliament and trebles police presence in London. There will be 16,000 officers on patrol tonight.

  • 1 Aug 2011

    Turkey must tighten its border controls if it is to become a member of the European Union, MPS have warned, saying failure to do so would lead to a mass influx of illegal migrants.

  • 1 Aug 2011

    The father of Amy Winehouse, Mitch, is urging the Government to reform rehabilitation centres in memory of his daughter, who battled drug and drink addiction before she died.