Search results for ‘mervyn’

194 items found

  • 19 Jul 2012

    Banks, drugs, Mexico and jobs at the top

    So Paul Moore, formerly responsible for compliance at HBOS and who was sacked after warning in 2004 that the bank’s lending was risky and in serious danger of-heating, has applied to be the Chairman of Barclays. Mr. Moore, whom I met and talked with extensively last week, is unlikely to be hanging around his phone in the expectation of a Barclays call. Although, I have met no one who knows quite so much about where the more noxious of the banking bodies are buried.

  • 17 Jul 2012

    Sir Mervyn King rejects suggestions that pressure was put on banks to misreport their lending rates, but admits pushing for Bob Diamond’s resignation as Barclays chief executive.

  • 16 Jul 2012

    The committee investigating the Libor rate-fixing scandal questions Jerry del Missier, Barclays’ ex-chief operating officer, who reportedly earned £40m a year when the bank was rigging interest rates.

  • 13 Jul 2012

    Many carrots but no stick for British banking

    If Sir Mervyn King can arrange for Bob Diamond’s demise at Barclays, even though he was cleared of personal wrongdoing over Libor, why not exercise a little more coercive power over banks lending money into the real economy?

  • 13 Jul 2012

    The US pressed the Bank of England to improve the Libor system before Lehman Bros collapsed in 2008 amid reports that Barclays and other global banks were rate rigging, newly released e-mails show.

  • 10 Jul 2012

    Former Barclays boss Bob Diamond forgoes a potential £20m in bonuses and share awards, but will still walk away with up to £2m.

  • 4 Jul 2012

    With former Barclays chief executive Bob Diamond appearing in front of MPs later, Channel 4 News looks at the questions he is likely to be asked.

  • 3 Jul 2012

    Barclays chief condemns Bollinger dudes

    On a day when it’s pretty clear that the authorities asserted dominion over our banking system, I was invited atop the Canary Wharf tower that houses Barclays to speak to its now un-resigned executive chairman Marcus Agius. He is not prone to lengthy answers, but I think much of what he does and does not say is rather telling.

  • 3 Jul 2012

    Bloody scenes at Battle of the Inquiry

    Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon blogs about the government’s plans for a banking inquiry

  • 3 Jul 2012

    ‘Red’ Diamond, ‘deep throat’ and the bank

    The email from Bob Diamond to fellow Barclays bosses raises serious questions for the Bank of England’s Paul Tucker, seen by many as the heir apparent to Mervyn King. Gary Gibbon blogs about the latest development in the Libor scandal.

  • 3 Jul 2012

    Diamond not forever as UK banking changes for good

    We have entered a new world. Politicians now appear sovereign over our banking system. Many in Britain will welcome that. For many, it will be a profound shock. And this is just the beginning, writes Faisal Islam.

  • 3 Jul 2012

    Following the resignation of Bob Diamond in the midst of the bank lending scandal , Barclays releases a memo of a phone conversation between Mr Diamond and Bank of England Deputy Governor Paul Tucker.

  • 30 Jun 2012

    Ministers order an urgent review of the Libor bank rate after it emerged Barclays had tried to manipulate it. But Labour’s Ed Miliband calls for a full-scale independent inquiry into banking culture.

  • 29 Jun 2012

    As the Governor of the Bank of England launches a scathing attack on banks, Bob Diamond, the embattled chief executive of Barclays Bank, says he will not resign.

  • 27 Jun 2012

    ‘Lie-bor’ London: Duuuuude, where’s Barclays’ bonus?

    Faisal Islam blogs on how Barclays started to try and make money from changing its rates – and why ‘Lie-bor’ London should be afraid.