Search results for ‘olympics’

846 items found

  • 26 Apr 2012

    People from black and minority ethnic groups in the UK are being urged to donate blood to ensure hospitals do not run out of rarer types during the coming summer of major sporting and jubilee events.

  • 24 Apr 2012

    A London council is criticised after contacting housing associations in other parts of the country to see if they will take private tenants whose high rents are not covered by housing benefit.

  • 21 Apr 2012

    As young people from Whizz-Kidz test London’s buses, trains and boats for disabled users in Olympic year, its Kidz Board delivers a transport manifesto for No Go Britain.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    Sports reporter Keme Nzerem was at the launch of Team GB’s new Olympics kits and Jon Snow has a rare awkward moment as the kit is quite literally unveiled on the programme.

  • 18 Mar 2012

    George Osborne is to lift restrictions on the amount of hours large stores can open for on Sundays during the Olympics, hoping the economy can cash in on late night shopping by tourists.

  • 12 Mar 2012

    Should Dwain Chambers be allowed to compete in the 2012 Olympics despite being banned for doping? Opinion doesn’t matter, writes Sports Reporter Keme Nzerem – it all comes down to the law.

  • 6 Mar 2012

    As British athletes are advised to refuse handshakes in case they are infected with a bug which ruins their dreams of victory, Channel 4 News speaks to a microbiologist to assess the claim.

  • 29 Feb 2012

    As the leader of Britain’s biggest union warns that strikes against government cuts could be timed to disrupt the Olympics, a Downing St spokesman condemns the idea as “unpatriotic”.

  • 8 Feb 2012

    As mobile phone provider O2 launches a major trial in the run-up to London 2012, Channel 4 News looks at why flexible working is good for people and good for businesses.

  • 7 Feb 2012

    Home Secretary Theresa May vows the government “will do everything” possible to deport Abu Qatada before the start of the Olympics, despite a senior judge’s decision to bail the radical Muslim cleric.

  • 6 Feb 2012

    Olympic rower Katherine Grainger talks to Channel 4 News about her PhD, potential parallels between psychopaths and sports stars, and why she hopes the x-factor will bring her gold in 2012.

  • 30 Jan 2012

    As the organising committee for the London Olympics hands back 120,000 hotel reservations, one tourism industry boss tells Channel 4 News high hotel prices are putting people off coming to London.

  • 27 Jan 2012

    London’s 2012 opening ceremony is to be called Isles of Wonder, organisers have revealed. With just six months to go, Britain’s Olympic medallists tell Channel 4 News “this Games will be spectacular”.

  • 4 Jan 2012

    Olympics organisers admit to Channel 4 News that human error was to blame for the fact that 10,000 more tickets were sold for some events than are actually available.

  • 26 Aug 2011

    Tickets for the Paralympics will go on sale using the same system as the Olympics. London 2012 bosses say a ballot is the fairest way to allocate tickets.