Search results for ‘sarkozy’

259 items found

  • 2 Mar 2012

    The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says it has not been allowed to enter the stricken district of Baba Amro in Homs, where it had hoped to deliver food and medical supplies.

  • 28 Feb 2012

    British photographer Paul Conroy is described as being “safe and sound” in Lebanon after being smuggled across the border from the Syrian city of Homs.

  • 23 Feb 2012

    Echoes of Bosnia in Syria’s agony

    Matt Frei reflects on the lessons of Bosnia as the bloody plight of Syria unfolds

  • 22 Feb 2012

    Words of praise flood in from across the world for veteran Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin after she was killed in a shell attack in the Syrian city of Homs.

  • 17 Feb 2012

    The PM claimed that commercial ties were “deep and growing”. Yet just before Christmas, FactCheck recalls France’s finance minister showing a somewhat less than deep and growing enthusiasm for our economy – and British banks were seen whipping billions out of French bonds. FactCheck takes a look at Britain’s commerce with her old allies.

  • 16 Feb 2012

    A UK/French plan to build the next-generation drone will be announced tomorrow during a summit in Paris, as Britain’s BAE Systems warns of a 14 per cent fall in sales due to defence spending cuts.

  • 14 Feb 2012

    Prepare for Franco-British inactivity on Syria

    Syria is already being talked up as a central topic at the Anglo-French summit between David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy on Friday. Can the old duo revive their Libya double-act? To which the answer is: forget it.

  • 1 Feb 2012

    The leaked report of Afghan detainees’ interrogation statements says more about US disenchantment with Pakistan than about its spy agency’s supposed grip on the Taliban, analysts tell Channel 4 News.

  • 30 Jan 2012

    Merkel to Cameron: ‘madness’ talk is ‘typical British negotiating punch’

    Chancellor Merkel has another saying which aides say she uses frequently in private: “If you climb up a tree you have to climb down it.” She may well be looking at David Cameron’s mini u-turn this afternoon on the use of EU institutions by the rest of the EU and think she’s watching just such an arborial stunt. Certainly some Tory MPs think they’re looking at some kind of climbdown and don’t like it.

  • 26 Jan 2012

    ‘Radical’ Cameron joins in Davos Germany-bashing

    It was a far bolder speech than I expected from the PM to the capital of capitalism. He described himself as a “monetary radical”, which is a reference to the £275 billion of QE, and presumably the soon-to-be launched credit easing policy. It was a contrast with the European Central Bank and its lack of bazooka.

  • 13 Jan 2012

    The French government confirms it has lost its much-coveted AAA credit rating. Economics Editor Faisal Islam says the move has “huge significance” for the euro rescue plan.

  • 10 Jan 2012

    Former footballer Eric Cantona’s announcement that he would run in this year’s presidential election in France now appears to be a publicity stunt aimed at highlighting the plight of the poor.

  • 2 Jan 2012

    Britain faces a difficult year in 2012, says the prime minister in his new year’s message – but he pledges the coalition government will do “everything it takes” to get the country up to strength.

  • 1 Jan 2012

    The leaders of France and Germany use their new year’s day messages to predict that the coming year will be more difficult than 2011.

  • 23 Dec 2011

    World leaders join Czechs in an emotional tribute to the nation’s first democratically-elected president, Vaclav Havel, at a pomp-filled funeral ceremony.