Search results for ‘banking’

963 items found

  • 7 Dec 2009

    Dangers of slashing public spending

    In March we ran a lengthy extract of an interview with financier Jim Rogers, who described the perceived G20 wisdom on running huge deficits to boost world growth as “ludicrous and insane”. It is one of our most downloaded videos of the year.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    So have the banks won?

    Faisal Islam blogs on the day the Supreme Court bank charges ruling. Is this it then?

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Covert bank loans revealed

    Channel 4 News Economics correspondent Faisal Islam examines the news that the Bank of England loand more than £60bn to RBS and HBoS in secret.

  • 7 Nov 2009

    Tobin tax – a highly political move

    A windswept beach. A university town. And a few hundred protesters dressed as finance ministers symbolically burying their heads sand. It’s a lot harder to protest against the G7 rich man’s club, now that it’s the G20. The agenda is somewhat more murky when it is China refusing to discuss climate finance, rather than the…

  • 3 Nov 2009

    Government bailout 3.0: Lloyds and RBS

    Following on from Bailout 1.0 (the banking system) and Bailout 2.0 (the economy), Bailout 3.0 focuses on the RBS and Lloyds, two banks in which the government has acquired a significant stake.

  • 3 Nov 2009

    I must get some cash out from one of our socialist banks

    As Lord Myners admits that 70 per cent of all share dealing is undertaken by computer systems that allow a trader to hold a share for a nanosecond before selling, Jon Snow asks: is it a good thing to have achieved the socialist ideal of a nationalised RBS bank?

  • 29 Oct 2009

    The American economy grows again

    Channel 4 News reporter Faisal Islam examines America’s economic figures.

  • 28 Oct 2009

    Why the banks have stopped lending

    Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow insists there are no signs of increaed credit being made available in Europe despite the campaigns by politicians and senior economists.

  • 19 Oct 2009

    Cuba’s robust approach to bankers’ pay

    Havana, Cuba seems an oddly appropriate place to be hearing the unsurprising renewed furore over bank bonuses in state-helped banks. I’m holidaying here, but there’s much to remind of home.

  • 30 Sep 2009

    New deal on bankers’ bonuses

    The main five British banks will be doling out some jumbo bonuses after Christmas, after the Chancellor met remuneration bosses first thing this morning at the Treasury and the banks said they would abide by the G20 rules which the government intends to bring into law in 2010.

  • 28 Sep 2009

    Darling to speak on bonuses and the City

    Alistair Darling will today tell the conference here that he’s going to talk to the bankers and tell them to restrain themselves this Christmas.

  • 23 Sep 2009

    Cracks were showing in Britain’s banking powerhouses as early as 2005, as bad debt was sold and consumers were sucked into a credit vortex. An “ugly” correction was on the cards.

  • 19 Sep 2009

    Pontignano conference continued: after the crash

    Jack Straw the Justice Secretary talked here about the “granulisation” of politics, the fragmenting of voters’ preparedness to carry on with voting for conventional old order politics. How serious is it? I have blogged before about the disenchantment of younger voters in Ireland with their leadership and how it may come to deliver a No…

  • 8 Sep 2009

    Chicago defends itself against Keynesian attacks

    So in the battle for the soul of economics, Nobel prize-winner Paul Krugman declares victory for the New Keynesians. In a 6,700 word article for the New York Times magazine, Krugman uses the experience of the last two crisis-ridden years not just to pin some of the blame on the Chicago school of free market…

  • 7 Sep 2009

    G20 ministers not harsh enough – on themselves

    London, the very source of the credit storm, is an entirely appropriate host for the G20 jamborees. This weekend it was the finance ministers and central bankers who whizzed through the City and the Treasury. I wonder if any of their chauffeurs took a detour past the offices of AIG-FP in Mayfair, home to what…