Search results for ‘Jon Snow’

1,295 items found

  • 11 Jan 2010

    Alastair Campbell could be forgiven for having a touch of déjà vu when he wakes up tomorrow morning. As No. 10’s director of communications and strategy between the key years of 2001-2003 he was close to the heart – some claim too close – of the decision-making process in the run-up to the Iraq War, and the subsequent years and repeated inquiries haven’t let him forget that.

  • 17 Dec 2009

    Ferreting about at Cop 15

    It’s intriguing to be at the biggest gathering of heads of government that world has probably ever seen. Back here in Copenhagen 10 days on from when I was here for the opening of the climate change conference, the atmosphere is more frenetic, more suspicious, more angry. Thirty-six hours to go to its timetabled conclusion…

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Jon Snow is not the only one in Brazil this week. While he is there exploring Brazil’s response to climate change, Middle Eastern leaders have also been flying in for some high profile visits. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – Lula to you and I – has been hosting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in…

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Boos from Brazil: Sao Paulo by night

    From Jon Snow’s Boos from Brazil: “Just been out across the city in a helicopter – you may think that a curious thing to do at night in the middle of the largest city on earth, or one of. But that’s actually what about 500 businessmen do anyway. “We decided to commute with this guy…

  • 19 Nov 2009

    Channel 4 News can reveal that an NHS trust has hired dozens and possibly hundreds of illegal immigrants through one of its biggest private cleaning contractors. Simon Israel reports.

  • 10 Sep 2009

    Beloved bike stolen – have you seen it?

    It has happened. I have had a dreadful premonition that it would, which has been very strong over the past few days. My bike has been nicked. My whole life depends up on it as I ride everywhere. Consequently I am at sea, trying to reconnect with public transport and horrified at the cost of…

  • 8 Sep 2009

    Chicago defends itself against Keynesian attacks

    So in the battle for the soul of economics, Nobel prize-winner Paul Krugman declares victory for the New Keynesians. In a 6,700 word article for the New York Times magazine, Krugman uses the experience of the last two crisis-ridden years not just to pin some of the blame on the Chicago school of free market…

  • 7 Jul 2009

    A report by the police watchdog criticises the Metropolitan Police’s planning for the London G20 protests in April, in which a bystander was pushed by an officer and later died.

  • 7 May 2009

    Going incognito into a Muslim girls' school.

    On Tuesday I blogged about my visit to a Muslim girls’ school in north London. Can you spot me?

  • 5 May 2009

    Talking Lebanon, Kashmir and socks at a Muslim school

    They had asked me to attend a fundraising, but I couldn’t. In any case, it wasn’t the moneybags I wanted to talk with but the students. This morning found me at a Muslim girls’ secondary school in Kilburn. I took coffee with the all–women staff – an amazingly stimulating group from as far afield as…

  • 5 May 2009

    A May Day mayday – and three men not in a boat

    A balmy bank holiday weekend for sailing. Despite the fact that my cousin Peter Snow has had a boat ever since I can remember, I don’t set sail with him enough. This weekend reminded me of both the joys and perils of sailing. A thousand sails swept along the Solent in brisk winds. Within hours…

  • 30 Apr 2009

    MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – It’s very hard to eat with a mask on. Our team in Mexico City are trying very hard to abide by all the hygiene precautions that should help prevent us from catching swine flu. It feels very rude to refuse to shake the hands of people you are interviewing, but we have been…

  • 23 Apr 2009

    Getting knotted for a night with Paxo

    I’m just kitting myself out for a curious task. Tonight I am the MC for The Media Society, who are going to give Paxo a lifetime’s achievement award. Mr Paxman is known for his fine stuffings. Indeed, the climax of the evening will be provided by the former home secretary, Michael Howard, who found himself…

  • 6 Apr 2009

    Madonna can help Zambia's Aids crisis

    An overnight flight to Zambia. Haven’t been here in 20 years. Bigger, but still verdant green boulevards into town. Early morning bicycles laden with vast bags of charcoal struggle along the dust tracks at the roadside. I’m here for a conference, of which more in the next blog.

  • 30 Mar 2009

    The ExCeL centre – a symbol of where we are

    I’m in a high-speed inflatable on the Thames, south of the barrier. What a godforsaken spot! The ExCeL centre where the G20 leaders will meet on Thursday is flanked by a large scrapyard and rather forlorn-looking Victorian dock.