Search results for ‘Al-Qaida’

93 items found

  • 11 Mar 2009

    Will N Ireland come out on the side of peace?

    I leave Belfast a city preparing for some sort of manifestation of resistance to a return to killing. Nobody knows how many people will turn out. Indeed, I suspect a lot of people will just stand outside their workplaces and may do it in communities right across Northern Ireland.

  • 19 Feb 2009

    WASHINGTON DC, USA – In a couple of hours the new CIA director will be sworn in – the heavy-jowled Leon Panetta who used to be Bill Clinton’s chief of staff. His appointment was meant to send the message loud and clear that the CIA and America had radically changed since Obama himself was sworn in.…

  • 17 Feb 2009

    I’ve just come up for air after several weeks investigating claims that dozens of Islamic extremists have returned to Britain from training camps in Somalia. The security services believe that they may end up using the skills they have learned in Somalia to commit acts of terror here in the UK.