Search results for ‘Graduates’

190 items found

  • 4 Jul 2012

    A report into this year’s graduate market shows a 0.9 per cent increase in graduate vacancies. But with a record number of applications for graduate positions, competition for jobs is high.

  • 3 Jul 2012

    As Bob Diamond resigns as chief executive of Barclays, Channel 4 News charts the career of a top financier who once famously said that the “period of remorse” for banks was over.

  • 30 May 2012

    The government’s social mobility adviser Alan Milburn says the professions are letting down young people from poorer backgrounds and need to widen their intake.

  • 28 May 2012

    The claim: “Since the government came into office, there has been a relentless and unprecedented assault on teachers’ pay and conditions of service.” Chris Keates, general secretary, NASUWT teachers’ union                                                                         

  • 1 May 2012

    MPs are recommending that teenagers should be put in charge of school lessons to encourage them to train as teachers.

  • 27 Apr 2012

    The UK’s IT sector is a growth industry, already employing one in 20 UK workers. IT employers say they face a skills shortage, but is this youthful industry being its own worst enemy?

  • 27 Apr 2012

    Fewer than half of teachers at state schools would advise pupils to apply to top universities, a new study shows – but many do not realise that a majority of Oxbridge students come from state schools.

  • 19 Apr 2012

    Earlier this month the Lib Dem HQ advertised its internship scheme for 2012 – FactCheck investigates how far it promotes “socially mobility”.

  • 19 Apr 2012

    Which generation has been hit hardest by the government’s austerity measures? It is the question that has been at the top of the political agenda since the budget sparked accusations that the government was raiding pensioner’s pockets with a new Granny Tax. FactCheck investigates.

  • 19 Apr 2012

    The Channel 4 News FactCheck team looks at how three generations have fared financially – from the baby boomers to today’s school leavers.

  • 18 Apr 2012

    Unemployment down, but snakes not ladders on jobs prospects

    Today’s figures show an unexpected welcome fall in unemployment, youth unemployment, and a small rise in the claimant count – over the next few months C4 News will continue telling the story of jobs in Britain with a series of reports for the Channel 4 Jobs Report (#c4jobs).

  • 18 Apr 2012

    Mark Goldstone from Leeds Chamber of Commerce tells Channel 4 News why the city is at risk of a ‘skills drain’ to London if businesses don’t create new jobs.

  • 6 Apr 2012

    An advertising campaign inviting tourists to “come and play” in France has backfired after it emerged the posters featured “little bit cheeky” images of South Africa and the US.

  • 3 Apr 2012

    The education secretary wants universities to have a “far greater” role in setting A-level courses, amid concerns that current exams are not preparing pupils for further study.

  • 10 Mar 2012

    Most parents think a better career is the main reason for going to university, according to a survey – but a quarter of them still think the principal reason is education for its own sake.