Search results for ‘Iran nuclear state’

199 items found

  • 23 Nov 2010

    Today’s exchange of fire highlights increasingly sour relations between North and South Korea but of more concern is the possible size and viability of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

  • 4 Nov 2010

    Iran says four terrorists with links to Britain have been arrested on suspicion of carrying out a number of assassination plots. The UK government tells Channel 4 News the claims are “baseless”.

  • 20 Sep 2010

    As Iranian President Ahmadinejad dodges questions about the remaining US hikers held in Tehran, Lindsey Hilsum asks if he can deflect attention from the opposition movement within his own regime?

  • 13 Sep 2010

    An American woman detained in Iran for more than a year after being arrested on the Iraq border accused of spying, is expected to fly home on $500,000 (£325,000) bail due to health problems.

  • 19 May 2010

    Does 'new politics' bring new thinking on Iran?

    Amid the thrill of the “new politics”, is there the slightest possibility of any UK “new thinking” about Iran? asks Jon Snow.

  • 26 Feb 2010

    Against a backdrop of growing diplomatic tensions, the nuclear question and increasing reports of human rights abuse, Iran marked the 31st anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in February 2010.

  • 15 Feb 2010

    Thirty-one years ago, wedged amongst a chanting, seething sea of black-clad women moving through downtown Tehran, we knew were in on a moment in history – writes Jon Snow.

  • 11 Feb 2010

    Iran: hunting for golf balls on the Caspian coast

    Iran blog: thirty-one years on, Jon Snow recalls the hunt for the elusive Caspian sea golf balls and the day he was “in on a moment of modern history”.

  • 8 Feb 2010

    The Iranian regime’s biggest worry is its own divisions and weaknesses in the face of continued unrest by the opposition, blogs Lindsey Hilsum.

  • 23 Dec 2009

    In a full and frank interview President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tells Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow that Iran is “solid and united” and defended his right to develop nuclear power.

  • 4 Nov 2009

    Lindsey Hilsum writes on whether the “hairy beards” of Iran are really in control of the country at all?

  • 28 May 2009

    The military alert level has been raised a notch by South Korea and the US, signifying what’s deemed a “grave threat” posed by the North’s nuclear sabre-rattling. Its state-controlled news agency, KCNA, said today that “even a minor accidental clash could lead to nuclear war.” I do wish they wouldn’t keep saying this sort of…

  • 14 Apr 2009

    CIA contact reveals Israel-Iran fears

    A former CIA contact of mine with specialist knowledge on the Middle East, and good connections, suggests there could be moves inside the embryonic Netanyahu government to reopen the question of bombing Iran. Such rumours – and I will restate we are just talking about the reopening of a question – have to be taken…

  • 5 Apr 2007

    When 15 Royal Navy crew were captured by Iranian warships in 2007, Channel 4 News exclusively spoke to the country’s security chief Ali Larijani, who accused the UK of “violating” Iranian territory.

  • 25 Mar 2006

    What next in Iran’s nuclear plan? President Ahmadinejad says “we don’t have to tell you everything”. Science Correspondent Julian Rush visits a civil nuclear power station on the Persian Gulf coast.