Search results for ‘Kim Jong-un’

143 items found

  • 21 Nov 2017

    North Korea has obtained the money, knowledge and materials to build nuclear missiles which – it claims – can reach American soil. But it would be in this position without help from the outside world. FactCheck follows North Korea’s nuclear trail, from the Soviet Union to South London.

  • 11 Oct 2017

    With tensions in the region at a high, millions of South Koreans live with the ongoing threat of military violence from their northern neighbours. But for one group the threat is even more acute. North Korean defectors who have managed to escape their repressive homeland face the challenges of integration in their new home. But…

  • 2 Oct 2017

    The chancellor, Philip Hammond, has defended the “market economy”, saying it has brought people out of poverty. In media interviews and his speech to Conservative conference, Mr Hammond repeatedly accused the Labour Party of posing a threat to this economic model. The chancellor even appeared to compare Labour’s policies to countries like North Korea and…

  • 27 Sep 2017

    North Korea has claimed that Donald Trump has declared war. The US president had said North Korea’s leaders “won’t be around much longer” and referred to Kim Jong-Un as “Little Rocket Man”. This followed Mr Trump’s speech to the UN last week in which he warned that America would “totally destroy” North Korea if the…

  • 25 Sep 2017

    North Korea has said it regards itself at war with America and threatened to shoot down US airplanes after President Trump’s comments about Kim Jong-un last week. The threat comes on the day President Trump added three more countries to his US travel ban – North Korea, Venezuela and Chad. He’s also started a fight…

  • 29 Jul 2017

    The US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, says China and Russia bear “unique and special responsibility for North Korea’s growing threat to regional and global stability”.

  • 6 Jan 2016

    North Korea’s leaders say the communist country has successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. Should we believe them? Should we panic?

  • 11 May 2015

    North Korea makes a key step in its nuclear weapons programme by launching a ballistic missile from a submarine – the latest in a list of actions to anger and worry the international community.

  • 12 Feb 2015

    North Korea releases 310 slogans to mark the anniversary of its “liberation”, including “We serve the people” – ironic, perhaps, in a country where torture, starvation and executions are commonplace.

  • 1 Jan 2015

    North Korea won’t have to wait much longer for Sony’s film The Interview to premiere in the country, with activists in South Korea planning to send copies over the border by balloon.

  • 27 Dec 2014

    Millions of gamers can finally pick their joypads back up as services on Microsoft’s Xbox Live and Sony’s Playstation Network are restored after a suspected attack took both down over Christmas.

  • 23 Dec 2014

    Sony Pictures u-turns on its decision to pull parody film The Interview following a cyber attack blamed on North Korea – and now wants it released in cinemas on Christmas day.

  • 23 Dec 2014

    North Korea suffers an internet outage for several hours before links were restored on Tuesday, but the US government refuses to say whether it is responsible.

  • 22 Dec 2014

    North Korea threatens the United States, calling it a “cesspool of terrorism” and accusing the Obama administration of being behind the satirical film The Interview.

  • 21 Dec 2014

    US President Barack Obama says the cyber hack against Sony, blamed on North Korea, is not an “act of war” – but is considering putting them back on the terror list.