Search results for ‘Liberal Democrats’

825 items found

  • 6 Jul 2012

    A senior aide to Nick Clegg warns Liberal Democrats will block parliamentary boundary changes if rebel Tory MPs kill off plans to reform the House of Lords.

  • 9 May 2012

    “Careworn evangelists” prepare to trade

    Senior Liberal Democrats are trading with the Tories behind the scenes, over key plans like an elected House of Lords, considering possible concessions in return for a climb down.

  • 6 Mar 2012

    Business Secretary Vince Cable confirms to Channel 4 News that the Liberal Democrats are pushing for a shift in this month’s budget away from the 50p tax rate and towards a “mansion tax”.

  • 20 Sep 2011

    It’s no entente cordiale at the Liberal Democrats conference this year – as senior party figures line up to condemn their Tory coalition partners, writes Felicity Spector.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    David Cameron joins the Liberal Democrats in support of Labour’s motion calling on Rupert Murdoch to drop his takeover of BSkyB in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.

  • 13 Jun 2011

    Good policy and good politics don’t always go hand in hand – do politicians act primarily on what they believe to be right, or what is right for their political position? After the kicking the Lib Dems took in May’s elections Nick Clegg declared the NHS was his priority – he seemed to have decided this was the issue on which to define himself as different to his coalition partners, to prove the Liberal Democrats were still a political force with a different point of view. The Conservatives too needed to show they had listened to the concerns of the medical profession and patients. So the politics has been addressed – but what about the policy?

  • 13 Jun 2011

    Experts are due to unveil recommendations on the Government’s plans for the NHS after Nick Clegg claimed victory for the Liberal Democrats in the row over health reforms.

  • 12 Jun 2011

    The Liberal Democrats claim victory in the battle to make substantial changes to NHS reforms after growing controversy over the plans, writes Victoria Macdonald.

  • 6 May 2011

    A massive political misjudgement by the Lib Dems

    Gary Gibbon blogs on the various factors behind the Liberal Democrats’ poor showing in Thursday’s council elections.

  • 6 May 2011

    The Liberal Democrats suffer widespread local government losses across England. Gary Gibbon looks at how the political landscape has changed and the implications for the coalition.

  • 6 May 2011

    In local elections which made for grim reading for the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg’s party suffered a further blow in Newcastle as Labour took their top target. Jane Dodge was on the scene.

  • 28 Apr 2011

    The claim “This (Margaret Thatcher’s Government) was organised wickedness given the veneer of legitimacy by an electoral system that gave 100 per cent of Government power despite being opposed by 60 per cent of the population.” Tim Farron, President, Liberal Democrats, at AV cross-party event, 27 April 2011

  • 27 Apr 2011

    Tory backbenchers ‘spoiling for a fight’ with Lib Dem partners

    The easter sunshine has not calmed the coalition animosity between the Tory backbenchers and Liberal Democrats as the AV quandry draws nearer

  • 20 Apr 2011

    Exclusive: Ed Miliband appeals to Vince Cable and other senior Liberal Democrats to defect to Labour because the Coalition Government has “betrayed” their principles, writes Cathy Newman.

  • 12 Mar 2011

    As thousands of angry protestors jeered Nick Clegg at the party’s spring conference, Liberal Democrats tell Channel 4 News that many delegates agree with the protestors.