Search results for ‘Norwich’

101 items found

  • 6 Sep 2010

    The Education Secretary Michael Gove announces details of 16 new free schools for England, with a campaign group backing the idea telling Channel 4 News that many will open in the months ahead.

  • 3 May 2010

    The Green Party claims to have Daniel Hannan amongst their supporters in Oxford East – but is that really what the Conservative MEP said?

  • 3 Feb 2010

    A quick one from the archive: we cast our eye back over some of the most dubious statements made by politicians of all kinds last year, as debunked by FactCheck. Miscounting Gurkhas “What I can’t do, which is what some are asking me to do but the judge did not, is to grant every Gurkha…

  • 7 Jan 2010

    Peter and Gordon – what really happened?

    The Prime Minister was all smiles with Peter Mandelson at the London launch of the economic growth strategy, this afternoon. But yesterday, after a phone call around 8am, the two didn’t speak again. All day. Wasn’t Peter Mandelson meant to be the key strategist, right-hand man, Deputy Prime Minister in all but name? Yesterday morning’s…

  • 3 Dec 2009

    Ed Balls went (briefly) to Eton, the place Tory policy is made

    Gordon Brown may taunt the Tories for inventing policy on the “playing fields of Eton”, but his Schools Secretary Ed Balls also spend time at the public school.

  • 3 Sep 2009

    UKIP leader to challenge Speaker

    Nigel Farage’s UKIP got 3 per cent to the Tories’ 57.4 per cent in Buckingham at the last general election but the UKIP MEP and party leader is going to give the seat a try anyway and take on the Speaker, John Bercow. Tradition has it that the main parties don’t challenge the Speaker at a general election so the…

  • 24 Jul 2009

    A landslide victory without the landslide?

    The more you look at the Norwich result the more puzzling it is. Sea-change political moments require “converts,” or so we’ve always thought. You can’t build a mighty national majority on the other party’s core vote staying at home, or can you? Tory strategists claim they got some Labour converts and that the party tallies…

  • 24 Jul 2009

    Ian Gibson: remembered at the count

    A solitary poignant demo as we wait for the Norwich North by-election declaration.

  • 22 Jul 2009

    Brown’s press conference – a rehearsal for by-election defeat?

    Gordon Brown at his press conference just now sounded like a man rehearsing his lines for Friday when Norwich North looks like getting a Tory MP. He said he thought “people do understand the uniqueness of this by-election” in answer (or rather in reply) to a question about why he deselected Ian Gibson. David Cameron…

  • 22 Jul 2009

    End of term and more

    Bye Bye to my member, and a word to Chris, Joe10 and Ken on yesterday’s class war blog. That’s it, they’ve gone! Eighty two days now before we see another MP in the House of Commons chamber on October 12th. And in what a parlous state they seem to be leaving British politics. Tomorrow, The…

  • 9 Jul 2009

    Very big question marks against Andy Coulson’s future

    David Cameron believes that one of the high points of his leadership has been the “Flying Squad”/”Get Carter” way he dealt with Tory MPs’ expenses. He and his team believe this has won him points for “getting it” when it comes to the public distrust of politicians. Can he really afford to risk this right…