Search results for ‘immigration’

1,271 items found

  • 18 Jan 2018

    “The Wall is The Wall” and Mexico will pay for it. Remember the line? Donald Trump repeated it this morning, pushing back against his chief of staff John Kelly, who’d suggested the President’s position has ‘evolved’. Mixed messages aside, that wall, cuts to legal immigration and ‘extreme vetting’ of those arriving, are changing lives across…

  • 12 Jan 2018

    “Hate-filled, vile and racist” – that’s how President Trump’s comments on immigration have been described by a leading Democratic Senator who heard him refer to Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as “shitholes”. It’s not just Democrats either. House Speaker Paul Ryan described the remarks as “very unfortunate, unhelpful.” From President Trump himself, there has…

  • 2 Dec 2017

    As one future royal starts the process of becoming a British citizen, other families in this country who have loved-ones from overseas came together today to sing carols and campaign against rules which they say are keeping parents and children apart at Christmas and are stacked against those on the lowest incomes.

  • 30 Nov 2017

    Net migration to the UK fell by a third in the year after the Brexit vote. That’s over 100,000 fewer migrants arriving between June 2016 and June 2017. The Office for National Statistics said those coming to Britain to look for work, especially EU citizens, was down by 43 per cent. It added that it…

  • 1 Nov 2017

    President Trump has called for tougher immigration controls after the deadly New York truck attack, describing the suspect as an “animal” and calling on Congress to shut down the immigration lottery scheme. New York police say the truck driver had been planning the attack for weeks and did it “in the name of IS”. Eight…

  • 10 Sep 2017

    Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for a curb on immigration, allowing Britain to control the number of people entering the country without leaving the EU. But critics said his change of heart had come too late.

  • 6 Sep 2017

    Leaked documents revealing government plans for a tough new immigration regime after Brexit suggest all but the most highly-skilled EU workers would only be allowed to stay for two years, with possible quotas to follow. The proposals, which haven’t yet been officially approved, are already alarming business groups, who’ve described them as “catastrophic”.

  • 6 Sep 2017

    It’s official, sensitive, and now out in the open. A draft of the government’s plans for immigration from the European Union after Brexit has been leaked from the Home Office. The policies, which are still being argued about at the top of government, include quotas for low-skilled workers and telling companies they must employ resident…

  • 4 Aug 2017

    The state of housing – social and private – has become one of the most pressing issues of our times. And in the latest in our series on Britain’s housing crisis we go to Canterbury. For 99 years it was solid Conservative territory. And then in June, it elected a Labour MP. The defeated Tory,…

  • 8 May 2017

    Theresa May said today that if she’s re-elected she expects to talk to the new French President about keeping British border controls in Calais. Mrs May also repeated the pledge that a Conservative government would cut net migration to the “tens of thousands”.

  • 23 Feb 2017

    Net migration has dropped below three hundred thousand for the first time in two years. The new total of 273,000 is a fall of 49,000 from the previous year and a jump in the number of eastern Europeans leaving the country is partly responsible.

  • 23 Feb 2017

    Immigration has become one of the most contentious issues of our age. Despite pledges by successive incoming governments to reduce numbers of foreign nationals coming into Britain in recent years, no government has achieved anywhere near the figures they had promised. So why isn’t immigration falling more quickly?

  • 11 Feb 2017

    Despite two court defeats – Donald Trump has vowed to continue the legal battle over his order banning travellers and refugees from seven mainly Muslim countries – suggesting he could sign a whole new executive order as early as Monday.

  • 1 Dec 2016

    Immigration has hit another new record. A total of 650 thousand people arrived in Britain in the year ending June the 30th. Even when those leaving the country were taken into account, the net migration figures were still at near-record levels. For the first time, Romanians were the biggest single group of new arrivals.

  • 1 Jul 2016

    Michael Gove promised again today to introduce an Australian-style points system to control immigration numbers if he becomes Prime Minister. But is Australia really the best place on which to model an immigration policy? Immigration has become a key issue in this weekend’s general election. And its treatment of asylum seekers arriving by boat has…