Search results for ‘representatives’

601 items found

  • 29 Apr 2018

    Representatives of the UN Security Council have been told by Rohingya refugees to demand that they are given citizenship in their native Myanmar and allowed to return following ethnic violence.

  • 9 Apr 2018

    Tomorrow marks 20 years since the Good Friday Agreement was signed. It was the political settlement that for most marked the end of the Northern Ireland Troubles. Today, representatives of loyalist paramilitary organisations came together to announce they would make the final move to respect law and order, and that members who continue to take…

  • 26 Mar 2018

    What has Cambridge Analytica actually been accused of? And why should you care?

  • 20 Mar 2018

    An investigation by Channel 4 News has revealed how Cambridge Analytica claims it ran ‘all’ of President Trump’s digital campaign – and may have broken election law. As the report went on air, the firm announced it has suspended chief executive Alexander Nix, pending a full investigation.

  • 8 Mar 2018

    As Donald Trump moves closer to kicking off an international trade war, many Republicans are worried that his steel tariff will hurt the US economy just in time for the mid-term elections. Democrats are fighting to take control of the House of Representatives in November, but to win the Presidential election in 2020, they need…

  • 21 Nov 2017

    North Korea has obtained the money, knowledge and materials to build nuclear missiles which – it claims – can reach American soil. But it would be in this position without help from the outside world. FactCheck follows North Korea’s nuclear trail, from the Soviet Union to South London.

  • 8 Nov 2017

    It’s a year since Trump’s election. FactCheck looks at how he’s getting on with the wall, the “Muslim ban”, the “greatest jobs president” and more…

  • 12 Oct 2017

    Brexit Deadlock

    Theresa May had hoped that the offer of €10bn a year for every year of a transition, plus the hint, delivered in her Florence speech, of a readiness to consider more cash, might help towards  the price of the admission ticket to Trade talks. Turns out the Trade talks ticket price is higher. Some UK…

  • 2 Oct 2017

    Last year, Nevada Congresswoman Dina Titus, along with fellow Democrats, staged a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives, protesting for votes on gun control proposals.

  • 26 Jun 2017

    Gay marriage, abortion and climate change. A few policies where the two partners might not have as much in common as they’d like to think.

  • 14 Jun 2017

    In the United States, a gunman has been shot dead by police after opening fire at the baseball practice session of Republican congressmen and staffers. Some dived for cover under cars and in the dugout.  One of those wounded was the whip in the House of Representatives.

  • 11 Jun 2017

    The number of women MPs is at an all-time high after Thursdays Vote. There’s also a rise in the number of LGBT, ethnic minority and disabled representatives. So what can we expect from this latest re-balancing of representation in the Mother of Parliaments?

  • 4 May 2017

    Republicans have voted to repeal and replace Barack Obama’s healthcare scheme after a key vote in the US House of Representatives. It’s taken a flurry of backroom deals to win reluctant Congressmen round – to what was one of Trump’s flagship campaign promises.

  • 13 Apr 2017

    President Assad contradicted previous statements on Khan Sheikhun made by his allies in Moscow and members of his own government.

  • 24 Mar 2017

    Back my bill or I’m pulling the plug. That’s Donald Trump’s brazen ultimatum tonight in Washington to Republicans who don’t like his bill. The House of Representatives is voting in the next hour on his bid to repeal and replace Barack Obama’s healthcare act.