Search results for ‘Helmand’

221 items found

  • 18 Mar 2011

    Has David Cameron learned his own lessons before deploying British forces to military action in Libya?

  • 18 Mar 2011

    Cameron’s military moment

    Our Political Editor reports on the Prime Minister’s statement to the Commons on Britain’s involvement in military action against Libya – and looks at some of the questions behind the UN vote.

  • 4 Mar 2011

    “The Taliban marksman was off his game. The bullet landed short at the feet of a young soldier it was meant to kill.” Captain Doug Beattie writes from Helmand on the changing threat of the insurgency.

  • 2 Mar 2011

    As a Government report suggests victory in Afghanistan is far from secure, Gaby Hinsliff asks whether David Cameron will learn the lessons on military intervention in Libya from his predecessors.

  • 28 Feb 2011

    Captain Doug Beattie writes from the Afghan frontline on the relentless search for IEDs and recounts the courage of those whose job is to unearth the hidden bombs.

  • 21 Feb 2011

    As new evidence emerges about bomb disposal expert Olaf Schmid’s death, Sean Rayment, author of Bomb Hunters, writes about his time with the team in “one of the most dangerous places on earth”.

  • 21 Feb 2011

    The last day of bomb disposal expert Olaf Schmid’s life was fraught with tension and danger. Channel 4 News maps his final hours as he took on Afghanistan’s enemy IEDs, often with his bare hands.

  • 10 Feb 2011

    The inquest into the death of bomb disposal specialist Staff Sgt Olaf Schmid in Afghanistan has found he was unlawfully killed.

  • 9 Feb 2011

    Channel 4 News examines the deadly threat of IED attacks for British troops in Afghanistan as Jane Deith reports from the inquest into the death of Olaf Schmid, a bomb disposal victim in 2009.

  • 9 Feb 2011

    Channel 4 News examines the deadly threat of IED attacks for British troops in Afghanistan as Jane Deith reports from the inquest into the death of Olaf Schmid, a bomb disposal victim in 2009.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    A Channel 4 News portfolio of reports on the war in Afghanistan – “Our war, their war” – wins the Broadcast television award for news and current affairs coverage.

  • 20 Jan 2011

    A former top diplomat’s comments that the military had a “use them or lose them” attitude to troops in Afghanistan was no “slip of the tongue”, a former Defence Secretary tells Channel 4 News.

  • 18 Jan 2011

    For British troops in Afghanistan – and soldiers everywhere – the first battle to win is with themselves, writes Captain Doug Beattie in his latest blog from Helmand.

  • 7 Jan 2011

    As the US says it has struck a cease fire deal with insurgents in the Sangin area of Helmand, Colonel Richard Kemp writes that the herculean task of putting an end to the conflict is far from over.

  • 6 Jan 2011

    Our Chief Correspondent, Alex Thomson, looks at the reported “deal” between US forces and local tribes in the Sangin area of Afghanistan which could see an end to attacks on allied forces in return for some degree of autonomy for local people.