Search results for ‘UN resolution’

683 items found

  • 14 Apr 2012

    As the UN passes a resolution authorising a team of international monitors to visit Syria, an activist in Homs tells Channel 4 News that despite the ceasefire “nothing has changed on the ground”.

  • 7 Apr 2012

    Two of the UK’s biggest teaching unions are on a collision course with the government after voting for further industrial action, including strikes, over pensions, pay and job losses.

  • 5 Apr 2012

    Amid signs that Syrian attacks on the opposition have intensified in the last 24 hours, the United Nations struggles to implement a peace plan calling for an end to the violence.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    The United Nations Human Rights Council has backed a resolution urging the Sri Lankan government to prosecute commanders guilty of misconduct during its civil war against Tamil insurgents.

  • 15 Mar 2012

    A series of leaked emails reveals how President Bashar al-Assad took advice from Iran on countering a revolt against his regime while his wife spends tens of thousands on luxury shopping sprees.

  • 22 Feb 2012

    The UN nuclear watchdog says it failed to secure an agreement with Iran over nuclear activities and that the country barred its team from visiting a key military site.

  • 10 Feb 2012

    When the UN Secretary General describes what is already a desperate situation in Syria as “a grim harbinger of worse to come”, you know things are bad.

  • 6 Feb 2012

    While the Syrian government bombards Homs, what is the international community doing? Channel 4 News looks at what is happening on the surface and behind the scenes – and why.

  • 6 Feb 2012

    Syrian troops are carrying out a bombardment of Homs, in the west of the country. Channel 4 News speaks to a journalist in Homs who says Syrians are desperate for the UN to enforce a no-fly zone.

  • 4 Feb 2012

    Activists say more than 200 people are dead after shelling by Syrian forces in Homs. One eye-witness in the city tells Channel 4 News the “massacre” started after a group of al-Assad troops defected.

  • 3 Feb 2012

    Defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones argues that Russia’s refusal to recognise the inevitable in Syria is condemning the country to an agonising death.

  • 31 Jan 2012

    With Russia resisting moves at the UN to force President Assad to stand down, Jonathan Miller describes the emergence in Syria of citizen reporters determined to show the world what is happening.

  • 23 Jan 2012

    Low to middle income earners will not see their disposable income approach pre-recession levels until 2020 at best, a report from a leading think tank warns.

  • 1 Jan 2012

    Pope Benedict and the Archbishop of Canterbury both call on their congregations not to give up on young people, and to support the next generation in the coming year.

  • 16 Dec 2011

    Russia takes a stronger tone at the UN by proposing a draft resolution strongly condemning violence by “all sides” in Syria, as major armed clashes continue in the south.