Search results for ‘bangkok’

146 items found

  • 18 Apr 2012

    Abdel Hakim Belhadj says he is taking legal action following allegations the former foreign secretary personally permitted his illegal rendition.

  • 6 Apr 2012

    Evidence suggests the great killer malaria is developing greater resistance, as Channel 4 News hears it could mean many more cases across south east Asia.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    Imagine our surprise on arrival at Rangoon’s airport, when a plain clothes operative came back with our press cards and passports with a watery smile and a (barely-audible) ‘welcome to Myanmar’

  • 21 Feb 2012

    John Sparks on developments in Thailand’s international terrorism saga.

  • 17 Feb 2012

    Thailand’s politicians are struggling to explain to its public why it unwittingly played host to a botched bombing, writes Jon Sparks.

  • 15 Feb 2012

    As President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad loads nuclear fuel rods into the Tehran Research Reactor, experts say Iran does have the technology to make a nuclear weapon, but lacks the political will – for now.

  • 14 Feb 2012

    An Iranian man has been badly wounded after a bungled bombing in Thailand. Israel’s defence minster described it as an attempted terrorist attack.

  • 12 Feb 2012

    Over the last five months, the Thai border police have made a series of spectacular animal seizures in the north east. Tens of thousands of dogs have been discovered, stuffed into ‘pig cages’, with ten or sometimes even fifteen animals packed into each one. Channel 4 News’ Asia correspondent John Sparks reports.

  • 31 Jan 2012

    Two former Libyan detainees who claim that British spies were involved in their rendition and torture are suing former director of counter-terrorism at MI6, according to their lawyers.

  • 12 Jan 2012

    Senior UK security officials and ministers could be in the frame as the Metropolitan Police begins a new wider investigation into allegations of rendition in Libya, as Simon Israel reports.

  • 28 Dec 2011

    John Sparks meets the mothers who lost their sons on Thailand’s roads – and who are campaigning to stop it happening again.

  • 28 Dec 2011

    It is a top tourist destination – but what the guidebooks don’t tell you is that Thailand’s roads are lethal. Now a group of mothers whose sons died in a bus crash are campaigning to change that.

  • 8 Dec 2011

    The calls began in early October with panicked sounding ‘pet’ owners begging Dr ‘Ning’ Natarika to do something. Millions of Thais were evacuating their homes, taking only what they could carry. Everything else was left behind – and ‘everything else’ happens to include snakes, monkeys (including an endangered capuchin), wild boar, hundreds of deer, a couple of black panthers, Siberian tigers, black bears, a pride of lions and so on.

  • 22 Nov 2011

    Shares in Thomas Cook plunge after the holiday firm is forced to ask lenders for more money, but bosses insist it is “business as usual”.

  • 31 Oct 2011

    Thai officials say central Bangkok has escaped the worst of Thailand’s most severe floods in half a century, but aid groups are now warning of the threat of water-borne diseases.