Search results for ‘bnp’

121 items found

  • 29 Apr 2010

    The 'bigot' in the electoral mix

    Jon Snow blogs on the likely fallout of the comments Gordon Brown made about a voter that were recorded

  • 28 Apr 2010

    Amazing scenes at Gillian Duffy’s front door

    Amazing scenes at the front door of Rochdale voter Gillian Duffy, blogs Gary Gibbon

  • 22 Apr 2010

    The claim “The National Health Service has amended its hygiene rules to allow Muslim staff not to wash before attending to patients.” BNP News, British National Party website, 11 April 2010 The background Hygiene guidance for NHS staff has been attacked on the BNP’s website, which claims that it allows Muslim staff not to wash before attending…

  • 6 Apr 2010

    The rogue elephant election

    It predated the age of the Prime Ministerial Jag – if my memory serves, it was a Humber Super Snipe. The sense of excitement and anticipation was palpable. Ted Heath was spectacularly unpopular. Harold Wilson had only been out of power for four short years. It was 1974 – my first election as a reporter.…

  • 24 Mar 2010

    On budget day, what can Luton and Hull teach us?

    I found the whole experience of being cast off into towns we never visit to talk to people we rarely meet somewhat like going on a foreign trip, writes Jon Snow.

  • 23 Mar 2010

    As the parties prepare to fight the forthcoming general election on economic issues, Jon Snow visits Luton to see what impact the recession has had on voters.

  • 22 Mar 2010

    Changing Britain – the view from Hull

    Jon Snow blogs about his the first of his series of ‘Changing Britain’ – tonight he visits Hull.

  • 3 Feb 2010

    A quick one from the archive: we cast our eye back over some of the most dubious statements made by politicians of all kinds last year, as debunked by FactCheck. Miscounting Gurkhas “What I can’t do, which is what some are asking me to do but the judge did not, is to grant every Gurkha…

  • 12 Nov 2009

    Brown tries to draw the sting on immigration

    Gary Gibbon asks: can Gordon Brown’s announcement today of further immigration controls win over the mainly white “Clocking Off” social group?

  • 5 Nov 2009

    Which parties would pull out of Afghanistan?

    As the polls suggest a public opinion surge towards withdrawal from Afghanistan (73 per cent in the YouGov poll for Channel 4 News, up from 62 per cent only two weeks ago), you may be wondering which political parties support that view. PRO-WITHDRAWAL: Plaid Cymru, Green Party, the BNP, Respect and UKIP (UKIP specify there…

  • 3 Sep 2009

    UKIP leader to challenge Speaker

    Nigel Farage’s UKIP got 3 per cent to the Tories’ 57.4 per cent in Buckingham at the last general election but the UKIP MEP and party leader is going to give the seat a try anyway and take on the Speaker, John Bercow. Tradition has it that the main parties don’t challenge the Speaker at a general election so the…

  • 18 Jun 2009

    In times of stress I always like to read poetry, so I’ve been turning to the Poem of the Day in the Tehran Times, the English language daily here. This is a paper which carefully toes the government line and favours not-so-subtle and sometimes bizarre unstated comparisons – there was a front page story today…

  • 10 Jun 2009

    Constitutional reform: questions for Mr Brown

    Gordon Brown will signal today whether the political classes “get it” when it comes to combating the expenses scandal in parliament. “Getting it” extends well beyond expenses to full-blown reform of our system of governance, as I have written here before.

  • 8 Jun 2009

    PM’s message to PLP: Labour’s position is recoverable

    At the heart of the Prime Minister’s address to the PLP in 30 minutes’ time will be an analysis of last night’s results which tries to say “it is not all over for Labour.” The Prime Minister will say there are signs in the European Parliament election results that the Tories have not made a…

  • 8 Jun 2009

    What does getting rid of Gordon Brown achieve?

    There is what feels like a nasty coalition between the media and the political classes. There seems to be an acute desire to bring whatever it is to the boil and then lance it (mixing metaphors). But I’m not sure there is actually anything very specific to bring to the boil beyond the residual right-left…