Search results for ‘egypt military’

411 items found

  • 23 Nov 2011

    A new corps of protestors are armed with stones and Molotov cocktails, and they feel the next stage of Egypt’s revolution is now theirs.

  • 23 Nov 2011

    Further clashes between protesters and military police break out in Cairo, as the UN condemns authorities “clearly excessive” use of forcce against protesters.

  • 22 Nov 2011

    Egypt’s ruling military council has agreed to form a civilian transitional government and pledged to hold presidential elections before July next year.

  • 22 Nov 2011

    As Egypt’s interim cabinet offers its resignation, activists in Cairo are calling for a million people to march through the streets to force the country’s military leaders to hand over power.

  • 21 Nov 2011

    The Army Council is said to be considering the Egyptian cabinet’s offer of resignation, as reports suggest Egyptian troops have used live ammunition against protesters.

  • 20 Nov 2011

    At least four people are said to have died and hundreds are wounded as protesters demanding an end to army rule in Egypt clash with police for a second day.

  • 22 Aug 2011

    The Syrian president says he is “not worried” about security in his country and warned against any foreign military action against his regime.

  • 18 Aug 2011

    Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad tells the United Nations that military and police operations against protesters have ended.

  • 29 Jun 2011

    Police fire tear gas at demonstrators in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square, leaving more than 1,000 injured, amid demands that trials of former senior officials proceed more swiftly.

  • 10 Jun 2011

    The Syrian army has begun a military operation in the town of Jisr al-Shughour according to state TV. Ealier in the week the Government said 120 security personnel were killed there.

  • 28 May 2011

    Egypt relaxes restrictions at its border with the Gaza Strip, allowing free crossings for the first time in four years. It’s a sign to Israel that the game is changing, an expert tells Channel 4 News.

  • 20 May 2011

    Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is best known for negotiating an end to the Vietnam war. But he also helped turn Egypt away from the USSR and towards the west.

  • 10 Apr 2011

    Egypt’s ousted President Hosni Mubarak releases his first statement since being forced from power, as public prosecutors summon him amid ongoing investigations.

  • 9 Apr 2011

    Two men die and 15 are injured as protests flare up in Tahrir Square amid calls for the army to pass its leadership to the civilian population. Channel 4 News hears powerful allegations of army abuse.

  • 18 Mar 2011

    Cameron’s military moment

    Our Political Editor reports on the Prime Minister’s statement to the Commons on Britain’s involvement in military action against Libya – and looks at some of the questions behind the UN vote.