Search results for ‘Colombia’

130 items found

  • 23 Jun 2010

    Coke canned!!

    He was, according to my informant, in a car being driven by one Rev Al Miller – en route to the US Embassy in Kingston. Yes, the appropriately named Dudus Coke has been caught at a road block in Jamaica. Most had written him off suspecting he had fled to Latin America from whence –…

  • 12 Mar 2009

    We have to say no to 'just say no'

    There really must be another way. According to The Economist, 5 per cent of the world’s population abuses drugs. Yet the UN conference in Vienna has offered no new routes to combating this world-trashing menace. The Economist, for the second time in 20 years, calls for wholesale legalisation. In a recession the mere tax take…

  • 5 Feb 2009

    Barrio broadcasters

    My visit to the literary festival in Cartegena found three of us in rare coalition meeting kids in the poorer barrios of the town.

  • 3 Feb 2009

    Why is Britain a haven for tax havens?

    So MPs are finally beginning to dig around in what flowed from the banking system meltdown in the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers collapse. Of intimate British interest is the Isle of Man’s involvement with the Icelandic bank Kaupthing. The Isle of Man used to be in the news for TT motor cycle racing. These…

  • 2 Feb 2009

    Starting to feel like the wrong sort of Snow

    Once in a while the gods deal you an unexpected hand. I am attempting the apparently Latin-American impossible: Colombia to London inside 24 hrs. The signs are not good. An hour and a half to go to take-off, and no-one is at check-in either side of the desk. Then I see why. The previous flight…

  • 1 Feb 2009

    Rushdie ain't pleased with the motorcade

    A great cloud of dust, a whoosh of excitable policemen, and a motorcade comes to a gravel-scattering halt outside my hotel here in Cartagena, in Colombia. The most awaited guest is arrived. Salman Rushdie ain’t pleased. The one condition on which he had come here was: no security, no motorcades. He was fuming as he…

  • 30 Jan 2009

    Who benefits from the global trade in drugs?

    I am in the south looking north, in Latin America, in Colombia. The disconnect is acute. The biggest event of the day? The appearance of the Mexican and Colombian presidents at Davos. No, don’t think Davos rocks here in the Andean foothills, on the rolling desert along the coast. But Latino presidents on the world…

  • 30 Jan 2009

    In Cartagena the talk is of Farc and fatwas

    It’s hot, humid and yet a sea breeze blows down the narrow streets to flutter the table cloths of the pavement cafes. Cartagena is on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Yellow, pink, white, blue houses compete for a ringside seat in this packed town. It’s a natural enough place to have a book festival. There…

  • 29 Jan 2009

    On the way to Hay – via Bogota

    It’s rare for me these days to visit a completely new country. I’m beginning to run out of mainstream options. I think I’ve visited around 104, though I have never been to China (other than Hong Kong) or Brazil. Today I’m next door, in Colombia – a country twice the size of France with a…

  • 28 Jan 2009

    Writer at rest

    The death of towering literary figure like John Updike poses a problem for a jobbing hack like me. I’m no literary critic, but suddenly something happens that actually affects your inner being. It’s not quite the same as a bank bailout or even an Obama initiative on Islam. This is someone whose work helped to…