Search results for ‘US army’

2,405 items found

  • 2 Aug 2018

    Central Harare has been deserted following violent protests that resulted in at least three people being killed. This has led the ruling ZANU PF party to tell supporters of opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, that “we should all lose graciously” amid claims vote rigging had taken place.

  • 9 Mar 2018

    In Salisbury, the search continues for the source of the nerve agent attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia. They remain in hospital in a “very serious” condition five days on. The Ministry of Defence has sent in 180 specialist personnel and equipment to support the police investigation. They’re tasked with removing vehicles…

  • 8 Mar 2018

    The Syrian army says it’s on the verge of cutting through the surrounded, rebel-held area of east Ghouta near the capital Damascus. According to human rights groups, more than 900 civilians have been killed there in the last 18 days and the Red Cross has held back an aid convoy because of the intense fighting.…

  • 4 Feb 2018

    A government review has recommended axing up to two thousand Royal Marines. But MPs have warned that making the cuts would be “militarily illiterate”. We speak to the former head of the Army, General Lord Dannett.

  • 22 Jan 2018

    Conservative MP, former soldier and defence committee member, Johnny Mercer, and Labour MP Ruth Smeeth, who is also a member of the defence committee, discuss the warnings issued by the head of the army.

  • 22 Jan 2018

    The head of the army has warned that Britain’s ability to deter or respond to threats could be eroded without substantial new investment. General Sir Nick Carter said Russia was building up an aggressive force, including cyber-warfare and long-range missile capacity, adding: “We cannot afford to sit back”. Number 10 insisted that the UK was…

  • 7 Dec 2017

    Two former soldiers have appeared in court to plead the case to remain in the UK of an Afghan man who worked as their interpreter when they were fighting the Taliban.

  • 20 Nov 2017

    Refusing all demands to step down, Zimbabwe’s embattled President Robert Mugabe has summoned his cabinet to meet first thing tomorrow, even as the country’s ruling party begins moves to impeach him, and the army has been on television talking of a roadmap to get rid of him. Mugabe, who’s accused of “allowing his wife to usurp government powers”, is still under…

  • 18 Nov 2017

    Tens of thousands of people have taken to streets of the Zimbabwean capital, piling the pressure on President Robert Mugabe to stand down as leader. The day of protests was sanctioned by the army and even his own party. Tonight the military announced it will meet Mr Mugabe tomorrow to discuss his departure.

  • 16 Nov 2017

    We’ve heard a lot in recent weeks about Russia’s alleged involvement in the EU referendum. On Monday, Theresa May said Vladimir Putin’s government was trying to “undermine free societies” and was “planting fake stories” to “sow discord in the West”. Although on Wednesday, the Prime Minister appeared to soften her language. She told parliament: “if…

  • 15 Nov 2017

    Robert Mugabe is under house arrest as the Zimbabwe army staged a de facto military coup. Troops have been posted outside government buildings and are patrolling the streets of the capital Harare. The former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was sacked just last week, could now be on his way back to Zimbabwe to take…

  • 15 Sep 2017

    Almost 400,000 Rohingya Muslims have now fled the violence in Myanmar in the last three weeks, including 240,000 children. Refugee camps across the border in Bangladesh are overflowing, and aid agencies fear it could get worse, warning up to a million could flee. The authorities in Myanmar say the army is fighting militants and have denied targeting civilians.Jonathan Miller has…

  • 16 Aug 2017

    A time when America was riven by racial violence, when civic abuse of the black community boiled over into riots, when the army was deployed to a city where the fires of rebellion burned in the streets. Not today, but Detroit in 1967. Fifty years later the Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow has made a new…

  • 27 Jul 2017

    Abigail Austen was the first officer in the British army to transition from a man to a woman – becoming a champion for transgender equality. She also spent time with the US Army in Afghanistan.

  • 13 Apr 2017

    President Assad contradicted previous statements on Khan Sheikhun made by his allies in Moscow and members of his own government.