Search results for ‘berlusconi’

129 items found

  • 23 Nov 2010

    Ireland’s premier Brian Cowen rules out rushing through emergency economic measures, as financial experts tell Channel 4 News that the Irish bailout could lead to more splits in the Eurozone.

  • 5 Nov 2009

    Just another piece of 'military liaison?'

    Jon Snow blogs on the repercussions after 23 CIA operatives were found guilty in Italy over rendition of a terror suspect.

  • 19 Oct 2009

    Has Iraq sunk Blair's presidency hopes?

    The presidency of Europe is slipping rapidly from Tony Blair’s hands. My sources in Brussels and elsewhere report a rapid sea change in the former prime minister’s fortunes as ratification of the Lisbon treaty creeps closer (the Czech president could reluctantly sign it within a week). Those sources tell me that Blair’s candidacy has been…

  • 13 Oct 2009

    Three months in which MPs and peers finally lost the plot?

    I have two close friends who happen to be life peers. Upon entering the House of Lords they were button holed by those already there. One had a house in the Hampshire countryside; the other had a place in Scotland. They joined the House in the last twelve years. In both cases their “button holers”…

  • 23 Sep 2009

    Here’s an African love story. Adebe married her childhood sweetheart, Daniel, in Addis Ababa when she was 22. The trouble was, although Daniel was born in Ethiopia, he was of Eritrean stock, and when the two countries went to war, he was deported to Asmara, the Eritrean capital, where he was forced to join the…

  • 22 Sep 2009

    What moral obligations flow from our 'wars of choice'?

    Does the presence of the UK in Afghanistan and Iraq impose a moral duty to take in the huddle mass of refugees in the dunes outside Calais?

  • 9 Jul 2009

    I am breathing in the bracing air of the Abruzzo hills but as I write this Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the first lady of France, is not. The demure Sarah Brown is here, and the funky Michelle Obama, but Carla Bruni – a former naked model – has not yet joined this year’s G8 festivities, in an…

  • 8 Jul 2009

    By the time you are reading this I hope to be supping on mozzarella di bufala in a medieval Italian hilltop town full of churches stuffed with paintings by Renaissance masters. The reality will probably be that I shall be going through umpteen security scanners along with some 3000 other journalists queuing for the G8…

  • 8 Jul 2009

    Just off the PM’s plane in sunny Rome. Brown relaxed and on good form. The worst month of his premiership behind him? Though of course this could be his last G8, with election next year.