Search results for ‘electoral reform’

154 items found

  • 7 Aug 2012

    Was yesterday the Lib Dems’ first step towards a 2015 coalition with Labour?

    “That would be the ultimate irony of a saga that contains several ironies already – like appointing more unelected lords so as to reduce the size of the elected Commons.”

  • 24 Jun 2012

    Mohammed Mursi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader once jailed by ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak, succeeds him as president of the world’s most populous Arab nation.

  • 18 Jun 2012

    Teenage crime set to disqualify war hero Simon Weston

    Channel 4 News Political Correspondent Michael Crick blogs about the Falklands war hero Simon Weston, who could be disqualified from standing as a police and crime commissioner because of a criminal conviction from 37 years ago when he was just 14.

  • 6 May 2012

    History as France, Greece and Serbia go to polls

    A tremendous air of excitement here in Paris. Even before getting here, it was clear that French society is profoundly different from our own. But it’s not just France that’s voting today, but Greece and Serbia.

  • 5 Apr 2012

    President Sarkozy’s election manifesto pledges a balanced budget and a freeze on France’s EU contributions. But will it be enough to defeat socialist rival Francois Hollande?

  • 26 Mar 2012

    Conservative Party co-treasurer Peter Cruddas resigns after being filmed boasting that people willing to donate £250,000 would gain access to the prime minister and the Downing Street policy unit.

  • 2 Feb 2012

    Former Foreign Secretary David Miliband has broken a long silence to warn that Labour needs “restless rethinking” if it is to return to power.

  • 19 Jan 2012

    As David Cameron and Ed Miliband renew calls for a new form of ethical capitalism, Channel 4 News asks whether this latest political cause celebre will have any electoral or practical impact?

  • 9 Dec 2011

    As more than 30,000 people promise to protest this weekend in Russia after a disputed election result, Robin Cook’s former adviser tells Channel 4 News we are witnessing the start of “serious change”.

  • 5 Dec 2011

    As Russian voters cut the ruling party’s parliamentary majority, the Russia Foundation’s David Clark tells Channel 4 News that this could be the beginning of the end for the Vladimir Putin era.

  • 28 Nov 2011

    Jonathan Rugman blogs on Egypt’s historic day of change, as people prepare to vote following the downfall of Hosni Mubarak.

  • 26 Oct 2011

    Reports that Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has agreed to resign in the next three months are denied by his office.

  • 29 Sep 2011

    The Labour party leadership has described government proposals to change the way electors register to vote as “a shameful assault on people’s democratic rights”.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    Calls for political reform spun out of the expenses scandal of 2009 and hurtled towards last year’s general election, with all three major parties promising change in their manifestos. Labour proposed a non-partisan parliamentary boundary review that would look at the rules for the redistribution of seats, as well as an Alternative Vote (AV) referendum. Its manifesto said: “The cost of politics to the taxpayer must be minimised but we reject using this as an excuse to gerrymander constituency boundaries in the interest of one political party.” The Tories meanwhile championed a 10 per cent cut in the number of MPs, while the Lib Dem manifesto stated that it would making voting fairer by introducing Single Transferable Vote (STV) for elections, the number of MPs could be cut from 650 to 500. We’ve already said no to AV, so now it’s down to the boundary changes to kick start reform. But is it fair, or are the Tories manipulating the system?

  • 19 May 2011

    What next for embattled Justice Secretary Ken Clarke, after his controversial comments on rape? Krishnan Guru-Murthy looks at what the Prime Minister might be thinking.