Search results for ‘guantanamo’

137 items found

  • 9 Nov 2010

    At last some straight talking about the “special relationship” from George W Bush. He has told The Times it doesn’t matter what people in England think of him now, and it didn’t matter then, when he was President.

  • 9 Nov 2010

    As George W Bush defends the use of “waterboarding” for saving British lives, Channel 4’s Job Rabkin looks at the former US president’s defiance and regrets from his time in office.

  • 31 Oct 2010

    Tuesday’s midterm elections in the US are for seats in Congress, not the White House, but Republicans are calling it a referendum on Barack Obama, with Sarah Palin predicting a “political earthquake”.

  • 30 Oct 2010

    It seems al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has just pulled off a spectacular coup and scared us all ahead of Halloween, writes Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Rugman.

  • 5 Sep 2010

    An Iraqi prank show plants fake bombs under celebrities’ cars then threatens the unwitting participants with maximum-security prison.

  • 22 Apr 2010

    A week ago, not many people outside the Liberal Democrats were taking Nick Clegg’s foreign policy seriously. But a week is a long time in politics, so I have been trying to get the measure of what Mr Clegg might say tonight.   Perhaps the best clue is the speech Clegg gave to Chatham House…

  • 16 Feb 2010

    Pakistanis and Afghans are divided over what to make of the reported arrest in Karachi of the Afghan Taliban’s top military commander and deputy to Mullah Omar himself, writes Jonathan Miller.

  • 20 Jan 2010

    The winning candidate in the Massachusetts senatorial election, Scott Brown, drove across the state in a truck whipping up anger about everything President Obama has done, and failed to do, in the one year he’s been in office.

  • 14 Jan 2010

    One year on from an American ecstasy

    Jon Snow assesses the Obama presidency, one year on from his Washington inauguration.

  • 5 Jan 2010

    Calling time on the war on terror?

    Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow asks whether the ‘war on terror’ is still being fought and whether the rules have changed.

  • 1 Dec 2009

    So, come the small hours this side of the Atlantic, President Obama will address the American nation and confirm his intention to more fully pursue The Bush Doctrine which began in Iraq, through Afghanistan. Bush surged into Baghdad; Obama will surge into Kabul. Meanwhile here Gordon Brown has pre-surged, carefully timing his 500 reinforcements yesterday,…

  • 6 Oct 2009

    Can you believe it was almost a year ago that “President Elect” Barak Obama told an ecstatic crowd in Chicago that “Change had come to America”? With less than a month to go before the first anniversary of that speech a lot of people in America are asking themselves whether much of that change has…

  • 8 Sep 2009

    Does the airline plot trial signal a new approach?

    Of course, the plot sounds crazy – but then so did the plot to attack the twin towers on 9/11. Nevertheless the pattern of the terrorist threat to the UK begins to crystallise. Where it exists, it is home grown and trained in Pakistan. Converts and young men who suddenly “find” their religion after particularly…

  • 30 Jun 2009

    Perhaps the most interesting line in the US homeland security secretary’s interview with me this morning concerns her fears over Somali Americans carrying out terrorist attacks inside the United States. She concedes that a small number of Somalis have travelled from the US to Somalia to train in jihad. “Right now we are talking about people going…

  • 17 Apr 2009

    Memos which shed light on the “extreme interrogation” of terror suspects at detention centres like Guantanamo Bay have been released by White House officials. The four documents, sent to the CIA between 2002 and 2005 by officials in the Bush administration, approve waterboarding – making the suspect feel like they are drowning – sleep deprivation, nudity…