Search results for ‘saddam’

204 items found

  • 21 Oct 2011

    Libya on glide-path into the unknown

    Channel 4 News Washington Correspondent Matt Frei reflects on former dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s bloody last hours.

  • 20 Oct 2011

    Alex Thomson blogs on the endgame of Colonel Gaddafi

  • 11 Sep 2011

    In 2006 we commemorated the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. How have political and military developments since then changed our view of what happened in 2001?

  • 10 Sep 2011

    Presidents united in memory of passengers on downed plane

    There are so many poignant images competing for attention this weekend. One came from Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where two former Presidents -Bush and Clinton- joined Vice President Biden to commemorate the passengers of United Flight 93.

  • 2 Sep 2011

    The lure of the 'very bad man'

    Very bad men and cults that go bad: Jon Snow blogs on Gaddafi and the green that turned to black, tinged with the red blood of those who opposed his dictatorship.

  • 28 Aug 2011

    The Abu Salim massacre of 1996, when 1200 prisoners were gunned down, may have been the spark that led to the Libyan revolution, as International Editor Lindsey Hilsum has been hearing.

  • 25 Aug 2011

    Colonel Gaddafi calls on his supporters to march on Tripoli and “purify” the capital of Libya’s rebels, as International Editor Lindsey Hilsum meets neighbourhood groups patrolling the streets.

  • 15 Aug 2011

    Dozens of people are dead in Iraq after car bomb attacks on the southern cities of Kut and Najaf. It follows a string of bombings and suicide attacks across the country.

  • 15 Aug 2011

    As a series of coordinated bomb attacks leave dozens dead in Iraq, Channel 4 News hears from a doctor, a teenage Christian and a human rights activist about day-to-day life in the troubled country.

  • 30 Jun 2011

    Governments, Libyan rebels and Nato have made much of the supposed use of foreign mercenaries and allegations of systemic mass rape to justify the war against Colonel Gaddafi. But little to no evidence has been produced to justify the claims.

  • 14 Jun 2011

    “NATO appears to have run out of targets in Tripoli, but the Brother Leader is still here, playing chess with his friend Kirsan Illuyzhinov, the President of the World Chess Federation,a man who claims to have been briefly abducted by space aliens in 1997.”

  • 12 May 2011

    A senior intelligence officer directly contradicts Alastair Campbell’s claims that the Iraq dossier wasn’t “beefed up” to make the case for war.

  • 8 May 2011

    Following Osama bin Laden’s death, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones says there are rising concerns over the fate of Libya’s chemical weapons.

  • 4 May 2011

    Photos of Osama bin Laden’s dead body will not be published, says President Obama, as senior Taliban commanders tell Channel 4 News the al-Qaeda leader died of kidney disease months ago.

  • 3 May 2011

    Bin Laden’s death is a moment of special symbolism for the men of the 6th Communication Battalion Marines, writes Online Editor Ed Fraser. They lost three of their number to the 9/11 attack.