Search results for ‘Sir Fred Goodwin’

38 items found

  • 1 Feb 2012

    Forfeiture committee said it couldn’t strip Fred of his ‘K’ in 2009

    Sir Tom McKillop, Fred’s Chairman at RBS back then, still has his “K.” Plain Mr Andy Hornby, boss of HBOS, seems to have rather missed the boat. His Chairman at HBOS, Lord Stevenson has a CBE, a knighthood and a peerage … for years he chaired the committee that decides who is fit to be a peer, he currently sits on the main committee that decides who should get honours. So he’s pretty safe, I reckon.

  • 31 Jan 2012

    Deleveraging, not de-honouring Mr Goodwin is the real issue

    The bigger picture here is that the entire political class is struggling right now with the border between the state and the British banking system. Far more important than de-honouring, is de-leveraging. Project Merlin has come to an end, I am told by senior bankers, and some banks have smashed their targets, and others have missed them. All will be revealed in the upcoming bank results season.

  • 31 Jan 2012

    A very political ‘strip’ show – ‘Sir Fred’ no more

    Mr Fred Goodwin is “sir” no longer at a time of maximum political convenience to the government as it wrestles with a very public and toxic row over bankers’ bonuses, writes Gary Gibbon.

  • 31 Jan 2012

    Former Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive Fred “the shred” Goodwin loses his knighthood in a “very political strip show”, as Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon reports.

  • 19 Jan 2012

    Is going for Sir Fred a decoy for bonus row?

    Consideration of whether former RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin should be stripped of his knighthood is likely to take some time reports Political Editor Gary Gibbon.

  • 19 May 2011

    Protected by parliamentary privilege, Lib Dem peer Lord Stoneham reveals more details about a super-injunction taken out by former RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin.

  • 19 May 2011

    An order granting anonymity to Sir Fred Goodwin is lifted at the High Court after a Peer revealed details of an injunction taken out by the former bank boss regarding an alleged extra-marital affair.

  • 25 Mar 2009

    Fred's shredding rattles a Snow family skeleton

    The shredding of Sir Fred Goodwin’s glassware has an awful inevitability about it. His own behaviour may have led to his demonisation. It’s hard to see how his position can improve until either the authorities act (if there’s a provable case against him) or he tries to make some kind of amends.

  • 10 Feb 2009

    For one day only: Fred the Shred and friends

    Given that this was the first occasion that any of the bosses of the failed banks had appeared in any forum to give an account of their role in the turmoil that has beset Britain’s banking system, today’s scene in the House of Commons was low key, to say the least. The man the financial…

  • 28 Mar 2013

    Top level investors who stumped up to help RBS weather the financial crisis, now claim key documents around an emergency share sale were inaccurate and misleading, and are suing the bank for millions.

  • 30 Jan 2012

    Amid the row over RBS chief executive Stephen Hester’s bonus, Channel 4 News looks at what has happened to the bank since he took over.

  • 26 Jan 2012

    The author Roald Dahl and artist Lucian Freud are among more than 250 people who turned down honours from the Queen in the past 40 years, according to official government records.

  • 11 Jan 2012

    Yours, for Scotland. Ten economic questions on independence

    Ten questions to find out how well Scotland’s economy could survive if it won independence.

  • 12 Dec 2011

    As an FSA report into the failure of Royal Bank of Scotland blames its own light-touch regulation and poor management, the bank’s chairman tells Channel 4 News he supports tougher sanctions.

  • 11 Dec 2011

    A report into the failure of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) by the FSA will blame light-touch regulation and a catalogue of financial errors for pushing it to a taxpayer bailout in 2008.