Search results for ‘UK Uncut’

44 items found

  • 13 Jun 2012

    Tax avoidance campaigners UK Uncut win High Court permission to challenge an alleged “sweetheart” deal between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Goldman Sachs.

  • 17 Nov 2011

    Ten protesters who occupied Fortnum and Mason during an anti-cuts demonstration earlier this year are found guilty of aggravated trespass.

  • 30 Nov 2011

    • Two million join picket lines at schools, hospitals, colleges • Protesters clash with police in central London • David Cameron labels strike ‘damp squib’ 22.00: Ambulance services are under “severe” pressure in London with bosses making a plea to other services for support. Deputy Director of Operations Jason Killens said: “Pressure on the ambulance…

  • 18 Dec 2010

    Snow on the last Saturday before Christmas, traditionally one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year, spells potential disaster for retailers.

  • 18 Dec 2010

    Snow on the last Saturday before Christmas, traditionally one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year, spells potential disaster for retailers.

  • 26 May 2015

    The surge in support for the radical left Podemos party in Spain’s regional elections is the latest manifestation of a spectre haunting Europe: the rise of the anti-austerity movement.

  • 18 Dec 2013

    Vodafone paid no corporation tax and reduced its UK tax bill by a fifth last year. The company defends its arrangements in a 3,600 word statement that Channel 4 News hears is “smoke and mirrors”.

  • 26 Nov 2013

    “Justice not jumpers”: crowds gather in four cities to protest against price hikes by the “big six” energy companies, as new figures show “excess winter deaths” rose by a third last year.

  • 16 Jun 2013

    As leaders of some of the world’s biggest economies head to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland, David Cameron has put tax at the top of the agenda.

  • 28 May 2013

    Less than a year ago he was Britain’s top tax official. Now Dave Hartnett is an adviser to Deloitte, a leading accountancy firm involved in the controversy over corporate tax avoidance.

  • 22 May 2013

    MPs are falling over themselves to talk tough on tax. But with Google claiming tax avoidance is merely capitalism in action, lawmakers are now coming under scrutiny in the Great British tax debate.

  • 16 May 2013

    Google in the hot seat – but HMRC feeling the heat

    Matt Brittin, Google’s boss in northern Europe, will be showing a humble face in front of MPs this morning. But it is the taxman who should face the toughest questions.

  • 16 May 2013

    The UK arm of internet shopping giant Amazon received more money in government grants than it paid in UK corporation tax in 2012, according to new figures revealing the internet giant’s accounts.

  • 2 May 2013

    Tax havens are to commit to disclose the bank details of British taxpayers, as campaigners challenge an alleged deal allowing Goldman Sachs to skip a multi-million-pound interest bill on unpaid tax.

  • 14 Apr 2013

    The Anglican Bishop of Grantham – where Baroness Thatcher was born – questions the scale and cost of her funeral, as details of Wednesday’s service are published.