Search results for ‘University Minister David Willetts’

39 items found

  • 3 Jan 2013

    A government minister is calling for white, working-class boys to be categorised alongside ethnic minorities and those from disadvantaged communities when universities look to attract students.

  • 30 Aug 2012

    Thousands of overseas students could be thrown out of Britain within 60 days after London Metropolitan Unversity was stripped of its right to authorise their visas.

  • 24 Oct 2011

    Students and lecturers say the drop in applications to university is due to the government’s tuition fees rise. But Universities Minister David Willetts, speaking to Channel 4 News, disagrees.

  • 19 Aug 2011

    A record number of students are fighting for university places through the clearing system after getting their A-level results on Thursday.

  • 28 Jun 2011

    The Government has announced a major expansion of university places as part of reforms to encourage competition among universities and give students better value for money.

  • 19 May 2011

    What next for embattled Justice Secretary Ken Clarke, after his controversial comments on rape? Krishnan Guru-Murthy looks at what the Prime Minister might be thinking.

  • 10 May 2011

    University rich list row – Christmas or April Fool for Labour?

    Gary Gibbon on Downing Street’s clawback from David Willett’s idea of paying ‘club class’ prices for extra university places.

  • 3 Nov 2010

    The cut “It is the case that a lot of the money received by Universities through the teaching grant and through HEFCE will in the future get to universities via students.” Universities Minister David Willetts, 3 November 2010 The background Today’s announcement to increase tuition fees was, said Universities Minister David Willetts, to deliver “a…

  • 3 Nov 2010

    FactCheck takes a look at the measures the Coalition has added to Lord Browne’s review of higher education funding to make the system “more progressive”.

  • 27 Oct 2010

    Universities Minister David Willetts answers a plea from our Young Blogger of the Year, setting out the government’s case in the debate over student fees.

  • 16 Aug 2012

    The proportion of students receiving top grades at A-level falls after years of successive rises, following changes in the way exams are marked.

  • 22 Mar 2014

    New figures suggest many students will never repay the debts incurred when paying for university tuition fees.

  • 14 Oct 2013

    The government has played down warnings that the Chinese telecoms giant could pose a threat to Britain’s cyber-security.

  • 8 May 2012

    couple of days after the budget, with rows raging about the “granny tax” and George Osborne’s decision to help the super-rich by cutting the 50p rate, the PM had what seemed like a smart idea. Number 10 decided to bring forward plans to increase the price of cheap alcohol, to tackle binge drinking and what David Cameron called “the mayhem on our streets”. According to Mr Cameron cheap booze is causing a “scourge of violence” – a million violent crimes and more than a million hospital admissions each year. Setting a minimum unit price (MUP) would, he promised, provide “a big part of the answer”. But I’ve found out that just four days before he made his announcement, he’d been warned by one of his own ministers that the policy could well be illegal. Was the PM right to go ahead or should he have listened to his colleague?

  • 19 Apr 2012

    Which generation has been hit hardest by the government’s austerity measures? It is the question that has been at the top of the political agenda since the budget sparked accusations that the government was raiding pensioner’s pockets with a new Granny Tax. FactCheck investigates.