Search results for ‘aircraft carrier’

155 items found

  • 19 Dec 2017

    Just two weeks ago, the brand new HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier was handed over to the Royal Navy. It’s the biggest ship the navy has ever had and has a flight deck the size of three football pitches. For £3.1 billion, you might it expect it not to leak. But it turns out it…

  • 14 Nov 2013

    HMS Illustrious will head to the Philippines to help victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan, Prime Minister David Cameron announces.

  • 10 May 2012

    Jim Murphy has challenged the government to “come clean” about how much its aircraft carrier u-turn has cost the taxpayer – which he’d heard could be as much as £250m. “This is an embarrassing shambles,” he said, after Defence Secretary Philip Hammond went from outlining a bill of something between £40m-£50m only to admit later that it could be as much as £100m. Mr Hammond insisted however that the bill would be “much less than £250m”. Who’s right? FactCheck investigates.

  • 9 May 2012

    David Cameron has signed off a U-turn on controversial plans for Britain’s aircraft carriers.

  • 7 Jul 2011

    David Cameron’s been accused of making the wrong decision when he allowed the increasingly expensive aircraft carrier procurement programme to go ahead. FactCheck navigates the choppy waters of defence spending.

  • 3 Dec 2010

    In scrapping the HMS Ark Royal, the UK is giving up membership of a global club with just one remaining member – nations with top-of-the-range aircraft carriers, writes expert Dr Lee Willett.

  • 10 Jan 2013

    Britain will face “critical shortfalls” in air transport and refuelling aircraft as combat operations end in Afghanistan, the National Audit Office warns.

  • 6 Oct 2015

    Artists Richard Mosse, Trevor Tweeten and Ben Frost spend time on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier sending warplanes to bomb ISIS around the clock.

  • 4 Jul 2014

    The Queen names the Royal Navy aircraft carrier, the Queen Elizabeth, at the navy dockyard in Rosyth. At 65,000 tonnes, it is the biggest warship ever built in the United Kingdom.

  • 5 Jan 2012

    President Obama signals a new direction for US defence strategy towards the Asia-Pacific and away from Europe – but will it delay the F-35 fighter planes destined for Britain’s only aircraft carrier?

  • 8 Nov 2011

    An asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier will pass earth tonight, travelling closer than the moon. One astronomer tells Channel 4 News it will “give us clues about other bodies that are out there”.

  • 16 Aug 2011

    An 8,000-tonne section of the Royal Navy’s HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier begins a 600 mile journey from Glasgow to a shipyard in the north of Scotland to be assembled.

  • 3 Dec 2010

    As the HMS Ark Royal aircraft carrier returns to port for the final time after being decommissioned in the Defence Review, it marks the UK’s exit from an exclusive global club, writes Carl Dinnen.

  • 24 Nov 2010

    The US has sent one of its aircraft carriers to South Korean waters today, in a show of solidarity after the artillery attack by North Korea on its southern neighbour.

  • 2 Nov 2010

    As the UK and France agree to share military capabilities including aircraft carriers, a defence expert tells Channel 4 News he is surprised at the “sexy” top-level deal.