Search results for ‘shehzad tanweer’

25 items found

  • 3 Mar 2011

    Steven Desborough was on board the Aldgate train when Shehzad Tanweer detonated his bomb. Mr Desborough tells Channel 4 News how he cradled fatally-wounded Carrie Taylor in his arms amid the carnage.

  • 29 Dec 2015

    A jury has found Islamic extremist Mohammed Rehman and his wife guilty of planning a terror attack on the 10th anniversary of the July 7 bombings.

  • 7 Jul 2015

    MI5: 7/7 ended scepticism about terrorist threat

    Ten years on, the head of MI5 says 7/7 delivered a step change “in the nation’s counter terrorism defences”.

  • 30 Jun 2015

    A major counter-terrorism exercise is taking place in the UK capital today, as we approach the 10th anniversary of the London bombings in which 52 people died. What has changed since 2005?

  • 11 Dec 2013

    As students meet on a national day of action to get #CopsOffCampus, Channel 4 News looks at the increasing anger over campus policing.

  • 16 Feb 2012

    Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who attempted to blow up a US airliner on Christmas day in 2009 with a device concealed in his underwear, has been given a life sentence.

  • 30 Sep 2011

    As a US drone strike in Yemen kills cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a leading al-Qaeda figure, Channel 4 News assesses his influence on terror attacks in the UK and abroad.

  • 6 May 2011

    The coroner at the inquest into the deaths of 52 people killed in the July 7 London bombings, is due to announce a series of recommendations for preventing future deaths.

  • 6 May 2011

    Each of the 52 victims of the terrorist attacks on London would have died regardless of the response by the emergency services, a coroner says. Andy Davies hears the reaction.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    John Taylor speaks to Channel 4 News about meeting the man who cradled his dying daughter after the Aldgate tube blast, and says the inquest has helped close a chapter in his life.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    As the inquest into the July 7 attacks draws to a close, Thelma Stober tells Channel 4 News of being blown out of the train during the Aldgate bombing, and that giving evidence was “cathartic”.

  • 21 Feb 2011

    A senior MI5 officer tells the July 7 inquest of the Service’s “profound regret” for failing to prevent the London bombings, which killed 52 innocent people, as Andy Davies reports.

  • 15 Feb 2011

    The July 7 inquest has heard the testimony of the former girlfriend of one of the suicide bombers, and have also seen a video of ringleader Mohammed Siddique Khan saying farewell to his baby daughter.

  • 10 Dec 2010

    The Home Secretary, Theresa May, will not appeal against the ruling that the relatives of those killed should be allowed to hear top secret evidence presented to the July 7 inquests.

  • 3 Dec 2010

    Counter-terror thinktanks call for inquiry into public library stocks after a Channel 4 News investigation finds hundreds of books written by radical Islamist preachers, writes Johnny McDevitt.